Generate a Phantom and visualize the contrast at different TE values

Generate a Phantom and visualize the contrast at different TE values#

Example for generating a phantom and visualizing the contrast at different TE values.

from snake.core.phantom import Phantom
from snake.core.simulation import SimConfig, GreConfig

This notebook has interactive widgets, run it in google colab or locally to enjoy it fully

TR = 100
TE = 25
FA = 3
field = "7T"  # "1T5"

sim_conf = SimConfig(seq=GreConfig(TR=TR, TE=TE, FA=FA))
phantom = Phantom.from_brainweb(sub_id=4, sim_conf=sim_conf, output_res=1)


contrast_at_TE = phantom.contrast(resample=True, sim_conf=sim_conf)

from snake.toolkit.plotting import axis3dcut
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
axis3dcut(contrast_at_TE.T, None, None, cuts=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), ax=ax, width_inches=5)

from ipywidgets import interact
example generate phantom
fig = plt.figure()
sim_conf = SimConfig(seq=GreConfig(TR=TR, TE=TE, FA=FA))

phantom1T5 = Phantom.from_brainweb(
    sub_id=4, sim_conf=sim_conf, tissue_file="tissue_1T5", output_res=1
phantom7T = Phantom.from_brainweb(
    sub_id=4, sim_conf=sim_conf, tissue_file="tissue_7T", output_res=1

def live_contrast(TE: float = 10, TR: float = 100, FA: float = 3, tissue_field="1T5"):
    [ax.remove() for ax in fig.get_axes()]
    ax = fig.subplots()
    sim_conf.seq.TE = TE
    sim_conf.seq.TR = TR
    sim_conf.seq.FA = FA
    if tissue_field == "1T5":
        phantom = phantom1T5
    elif tissue_field == "7T":
        phantom = phantom7T
    contrast_at_TE = phantom.contrast(sim_conf=sim_conf, resample=True)
    axis3dcut(contrast_at_TE.T, None, cuts=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), width_inches=5, ax=ax)
    # if len(fig.get_axes()) >=5:
    #     fig.get_axes()[-1].remove()

live_contrast(TE=TE, TR=TR, FA=FA, tissue_field="1T5")

# Only for notebook interactive mode
# sphx
# interact(
#     live_contrast,
#     TE=(0, 100, 1),
#     TR=(0, 1000, 1),
#     FA=(0, 90, 1),
#     tissue_field=["1T5", "7T"],
# )
example generate phantom
No matrix size found in the header. The header is probably missing.

Total running time of the script: (2 minutes 34.659 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery