Source code for snake.core.engine.base

"""Engines are responsible for the acquisition of Kspace."""

from __future__ import annotations

import gc
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
from import Mapping, Sequence
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from multiprocessing.managers import SharedMemoryManager
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Any, ClassVar, overload

import ismrmrd as mrd
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from import tqdm

from typing_extensions import dataclass_transform

from snake._meta import EnvConfig, MetaDCRegister, batched

from ...mrd_utils import MRDLoader, make_base_mrd
from ..handlers import AbstractHandler, HandlerList
from ..parallel import ArrayProps
from ..phantom import DynamicData, Phantom, PropTissueEnum
from ..sampling import BaseSampler
from ..simulation import SimConfig
from .utils import get_noise

GenericPath = Path | str

[docs] @dataclass_transform(kw_only_default=True) class MetaEngine(MetaDCRegister): """MetaClass for engines.""" dunder_name: ClassVar[str] = "engine"
[docs] class BaseAcquisitionEngine(metaclass=MetaEngine): """Base acquisition engine. Specific step can be overwritten in subclasses. Parameters ---------- model : str, optional The model to use, by default "simple". snr : float, optional The signal to noise ratio, by default np.inf. slice_2d : bool, optional Whether to slice the 2D data, by default False. """ __engine_name__: ClassVar[str] __registry__: ClassVar[dict[str, type[BaseAcquisitionEngine]]] log: ClassVar[logging.Logger] model: str = "simple" snr: float = np.inf slice_2d: bool = False
[docs] def _get_chunk_list( self, data_loader: MRDLoader, ) -> Sequence[int]: return range(data_loader.n_acquisition)
@overload def _job_trajectories( self, dataset: mrd.Dataset, hdr: mrd.xsd.ismrmrdHeader, sim_conf: SimConfig, chunk: Sequence[int], ) -> NDArray: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def _job_get_T2s_decay( dwell_time_ms: float, echo_idx: int, n_samples: int, phantom: Phantom, ) -> NDArray: t = dwell_time_ms * (np.arange(n_samples, dtype=np.float32) - echo_idx) return np.exp(-t[None, :] / phantom.props[:, PropTissueEnum.T2s, None])
@overload @staticmethod def _job_model_T2s( phantom: Phantom, dyn_datas: list[DynamicData], sim_conf: SimConfig, trajectories: NDArray, # (Chunksize, N, 3) *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> NDArray: raise NotImplementedError @overload @staticmethod def _job_model_simple( phantom: Phantom, dyn_datas: list[DynamicData], sim_conf: SimConfig, trajectories: NDArray, # (Chunksize, N, 3) *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> NDArray: raise NotImplementedError @overload def _write_chunk_data( self, dataset: mrd.Dataset, chunk: Sequence[int], chunk_data: NDArray ) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _acquire_ksp_job( self, filename: GenericPath, chunk: Sequence[int], tmp_dir: str, shared_phantom_props: ( tuple[str, ArrayProps, ArrayProps, ArrayProps, ArrayProps | None] | None ) = None, **kwargs: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> str: """Entry point for worker. This handles the io part (Read dataset, write partial k-space), and dispatch to specialized functions for getting the k-space. """ # # We know that we are going to read the dataset in read-only mode in # this function and use the main process to write the data. # This is an alternative to using swmr mode, that I could not get to work. os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = "FALSE" with MRDLoader(filename, swmr=True) as data_loader: hdr = data_loader.header # Get the Phantom, SimConfig, and all ... sim_conf = data_loader.get_sim_conf() ddatas = data_loader.get_all_dynamic() # sim_conf = SimConfig.from_mrd_dataset(dataset) for d in ddatas: # only keep the dynamic data that are in the chunk =[:, chunk] trajs = self._job_trajectories(data_loader, hdr, sim_conf, chunk) _job_model = getattr(self, f"_job_model_{self.model}") if shared_phantom_props is None: phantom = data_loader.get_phantom() ksp = _job_model(phantom, ddatas, sim_conf, trajs, **kwargs) else: with Phantom.from_shared_memory(*shared_phantom_props) as phantom: ksp = _job_model(phantom, ddatas, sim_conf, trajs, **kwargs) chunk_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"partial_{chunk[0]}-{chunk[-1]}.npy"), ksp) return chunk_file
[docs] def __call__( self, filename: GenericPath, sampler: BaseSampler, phantom: Phantom, sim_conf: SimConfig, handlers: list[AbstractHandler] | HandlerList | None = None, coil_cov: NDArray | None = None, worker_chunk_size: int = 0, n_workers: int = 0, **kwargs: Any, ): """Perform the acquisition and fill the dataset. Parameters ---------- filename : GenericPath The path to the MRD file. sampler : BaseSampler The sampler to use. phantom : Phantom The phantom to use. sim_conf : SimConfig The simulation configuration. handlers : list[AbstractHandler] | HandlerList | None, optional The handlers to use, by default None. coil_cov : NDArray | None, optional The coil covariance matrix, by default None. worker_chunk_size : int, optional The size of the chunk to process for each worker, by default 0 (auto). Each worker w n_workers : int, optional The number of workers to use, by default 0 (auto). Half of CPU count will be used (This usually corresponds to the number of physical cores on the machine). resample_early:bool, optional Whether to resample the phantom early, by default False kwargs : Any Additional keyword arguments, passed down to internal implementation. Notes ----- This function is the main entry point for the acquisition engine. It will create the base dataset, and then dispatch the work to the workers. Specific modeling steps are implemented in subclasses' methods `_job_model_T2s` and `_job_model_simple`. """ if self.slice_2d: # Update the correct TR_eff sim_conf.TR_eff = sampler.TR_vol_ms self.log.warning("Using 2D acquisition, the TR_eff is updated to TR_vol") else: sim_conf.TR_eff = sim_conf.seq.TR # Create the base dataset make_base_mrd( filename, sampler, phantom, sim_conf, handlers, coil_cov, self.model, self.slice_2d, ) # Guesstimate the workload if worker_chunk_size <= 0: # get the number of shot worker_chunk_size = sampler.get_next_frame(sim_conf).shape[0] if n_workers <= 0: n_workers = mp.cpu_count() // 2 with MRDLoader(filename) as data_loader: sim_conf = data_loader.get_sim_conf() phantom = data_loader.get_phantom() shot_idxs = self._get_chunk_list(data_loader) chunk_list = list(batched(shot_idxs, worker_chunk_size)) ideal_phantom = phantom.contrast(sim_conf=sim_conf, aggregate=True) coil_cov = data_loader.get_coil_cov() or np.eye(sim_conf.hardware.n_coils) if self.snr > 0: energy = np.mean(ideal_phantom**2) coil_cov = coil_cov * energy / self.snr del ideal_phantom # # We know that we are going to read the dataset in read-only mode # and use the main process (here) to write the data. # This is an alternative to using swmr mode, that I could not get to work. os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = "FALSE" if n_workers > 1: Executor = ProcessPoolExecutor( n_workers, mp_context=mp.get_context(self.__mp_mode__) ) else: Executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) with ( SharedMemoryManager() as smm, Executor as executor, tqdm(total=len(shot_idxs)) as pbar, MRDLoader(filename, writeable=True) as data_loader, TemporaryDirectory( dir=EnvConfig["SNAKE_TMP_DIR"], prefix="snake-" ) as tmp_chunk_dir, ): # data_loader._file.swmr_mode = True phantom_props, _ = phantom.in_shared_memory(smm) # TODO: also put the smaps in shared memory futures = { executor.submit( self._acquire_ksp_job, filename, chunk_id, tmp_dir=tmp_chunk_dir, shared_phantom_props=phantom_props, slice_2d=self.slice_2d, **kwargs, ): chunk_id for chunk_id in chunk_list } for future in as_completed(futures): chunk = futures[future] try: f_chunk = str(future.result()) except Exception as exc: self.log.error(f"Error in chunk {min(chunk)}-{max(chunk)}") raise exc else: pbar.update(worker_chunk_size) chunk_ksp = np.load(f_chunk) # Add noise if self.snr > 0: noise = get_noise(chunk_ksp, coil_cov, sim_conf.rng) chunk_ksp += noise self._write_chunk_data( data_loader, chunk, chunk_ksp, ) os.remove(f_chunk) gc.collect()