Source code for snake.core.engine.cartesian

"""Acquisition engine for Cartesian trajectories."""

from import Sequence

import ismrmrd as mrd
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from snake.core.phantom import DynamicData, Phantom
from snake.core.simulation import SimConfig
from snake.mrd_utils import MRDLoader

from .base import BaseAcquisitionEngine
from .utils import fft, get_phantom_state

[docs] class EPIAcquisitionEngine(BaseAcquisitionEngine): """Acquisition engine for EPI base trajectories.""" __engine_name__ = "EPI" __mp_mode__ = "forkserver" model: str = "simple" snr: float = np.inf slice_2d: bool = False
[docs] def _get_chunk_list(self, data_loader: MRDLoader) -> Sequence[int]: limits = data_loader.header.encoding[0].encodingLimits self.n_lines_epi = limits.kspace_encoding_step_1.maximum n_epi = data_loader.n_acquisition // self.n_lines_epi return range(n_epi)
[docs] def _job_trajectories( self, data_loader: MRDLoader, hdr: mrd.xsd.ismrmrdHeader, sim_conf: SimConfig, chunk: int | Sequence[int], ) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the fourier operator by iterating the dataset.""" if not isinstance(chunk, Sequence): chunk = [chunk] limits = hdr.encoding[0].encodingLimits n_lines_epi = limits.kspace_encoding_step_1.maximum readout_length = limits.kspace_encoding_step_0.maximum # Read all the chunk data from file. traj = ( data_loader._dataset["data"][ chunk[0] * n_lines_epi : (chunk[-1] + 1) * n_lines_epi ]["traj"] .copy() .view(np.uint32) .reshape(len(chunk), n_lines_epi, readout_length, 3) ) return traj
[docs] @staticmethod def _job_model_T2s( phantom: Phantom, dyn_datas: list[DynamicData], sim_conf: SimConfig, trajectories: NDArray, # (Chunksize, N, 3) slice_2d: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Acquire k-space data. With T2s decay.""" readout_length = trajectories.shape[-2] n_lines_epi = trajectories.shape[-3] n_samples = int(readout_length * n_lines_epi) shape = sim_conf.shape echo_idx = int( np.argmin( np.sum( abs( trajectories[0].reshape(-1, 3) - (shape[0] // 2, shape[1] // 2, shape[2] // 2) ) ** 2, axis=-1, ) ) ) t2s_decay = BaseAcquisitionEngine._job_get_T2s_decay( sim_conf.hardware.dwell_time_ms, echo_idx, n_samples, phantom ) final_ksp = np.zeros( ( len(trajectories), sim_conf.hardware.n_coils, n_lines_epi, readout_length, ), dtype=np.complex64, ) for i, epi_2d in enumerate(trajectories): phantom_state, smaps = get_phantom_state( phantom, dyn_datas, i, sim_conf, aggregate=False ) flat_epi = epi_2d.reshape(-1, 3) if slice_2d: # reduce to a single slice for the exicitation / fft is done in 2D. slice_location = flat_epi[0, 0] # FIXME: the slice is always axial. flat_epi = flat_epi[:, 1:] phantom_slice = phantom_state[:, slice_location] if smaps is None: phantom_slice = phantom_slice[:, None, ...] else: smaps_ = smaps[:, slice_location] phantom_slice = phantom_slice[:, None, ...] * smaps_ ksp = fft(phantom_slice, axis=(-2, -1)) else: if smaps is None: ksp = fft(phantom_state[:, None, ...], axis=(-3, -2, -1)) else: ksp = fft(phantom_state[:, None, ...] * smaps, axis=(-3, -2, -1)) for c in range(sim_conf.hardware.n_coils): ksp_coil_sum = np.zeros( n_lines_epi * readout_length, dtype=np.complex64 ) for b in range(phantom_state.shape[0]): ksp_coil_sum += ksp[b, c][tuple(flat_epi.T)] * t2s_decay[b] final_ksp[i, c] = ksp_coil_sum.reshape((n_lines_epi, readout_length)) return final_ksp
[docs] @staticmethod def _job_model_simple( phantom: Phantom, dyn_datas: list[DynamicData], sim_conf: SimConfig, trajectories: NDArray, # (Chunksize, N, 3) slice_2d: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Acquire k-space data. No T2s decay.""" final_ksp = np.zeros( ( len(trajectories), sim_conf.hardware.n_coils, trajectories.shape[-3], trajectories.shape[-2], ), dtype=np.complex64, ) for i, epi_2d in enumerate(trajectories): phantom_state, smaps = get_phantom_state(phantom, dyn_datas, i, sim_conf) flat_epi = epi_2d.reshape(-1, 3) if slice_2d: slice_location = flat_epi[0, 0] # FIXME: the slice is always axial. flat_epi = flat_epi[:, 1:] # Reduced to 2D. phantom_slice = phantom_state[slice_location] if smaps is None: phantom_slice = phantom_slice[None, ...] else: smaps_ = smaps[:, slice_location] phantom_slice = phantom_slice[None, ...] * smaps_ ksp = fft(phantom_slice, axis=(-2, -1)) else: if phantom.smaps is None: ksp = fft(phantom_state[None, ...], axis=(-3, -2, -1)) else: ksp = fft(phantom_state[None, ...] * smaps, axis=(-3, -2, -1)) for c in range(sim_conf.hardware.n_coils): ksp_coil = ksp[c] a = ksp_coil[tuple(flat_epi.T)] final_ksp[i, c] = a.reshape( trajectories.shape[-3], trajectories.shape[-2], ) return final_ksp
[docs] def _write_chunk_data( self, data_loader: MRDLoader, chunk: Sequence[int], chunk_data: NDArray ) -> None: shots = np.concatenate( [ np.arange( shot * self.n_lines_epi, (shot + 1) * self.n_lines_epi, dtype=np.int32, ) for shot in chunk ] ) chunk_data = chunk_data.view(np.float32) chunk_data = np.moveaxis( chunk_data, 1, 2 ) # put the coil axis after the readout axis acq_chunk = data_loader._dataset["data"][shots] acq_chunk["data"] = chunk_data.reshape(acq_chunk["data"].shape) data_loader._dataset["data"][shots] = acq_chunk
[docs] class EVIAcquisition(EPIAcquisitionEngine): """EVI Acquisition engine. Same as EPI, but the shots are longer.""" __engine_name__ = "EVI" __mp_mode__ = "forkserver" model: str = "simple" snr: float = np.inf
[docs] def _get_chunk_list(self, data_loader: MRDLoader) -> Sequence[int]: limits = data_loader.header.encoding[0].encodingLimits self.n_lines_epi = limits.kspace_encoding_step_1.maximum self.n_slice_epi = limits.slice.maximum n_evi = data_loader.n_acquisition // (self.n_lines_epi * self.n_slice_epi) return range(n_evi)
[docs] def _job_trajectories( self, data_loader: MRDLoader, hdr: mrd.xsd.ismrmrdHeader, sim_conf: SimConfig, chunk: int | Sequence[int], ) -> np.ndarray: """Generate the fourier operator by iterating the dataset.""" if not isinstance(chunk, Sequence): chunk = [chunk] limits = hdr.encoding[0].encodingLimits n_lines_epi = limits.kspace_encoding_step_1.maximum readout_length = limits.kspace_encoding_step_0.maximum slice = limits.slice.maximum # Read all the chunk data from file. traj = ( data_loader._dataset["data"][ chunk[0] * n_lines_epi * slice : (chunk[-1] + 1) * n_lines_epi * slice ]["traj"] .view(np.uint32) .reshape(len(chunk), slice, n_lines_epi, readout_length, 3) ) return traj
[docs] @staticmethod def _job_model_T2s( phantom: Phantom, dyn_datas: list[DynamicData], sim_conf: SimConfig, trajectories: NDArray, # (Chunksize, N, 3) ) -> np.ndarray: """Acquire k-space data. With T2s decay.""" readout_length = trajectories.shape[-2] n_lines_epi = trajectories.shape[-3] n_slice = trajectories.shape[-4] final_ksp = np.zeros( ( len(trajectories), sim_conf.hardware.n_coils, n_slice, n_lines_epi, readout_length, ), dtype=np.complex64, ) n_samples = int(readout_length * n_lines_epi * n_slice) shape = sim_conf.shape echo_idx = int( np.argmin( np.sum( abs( trajectories[0].reshape(-1, 3) - (shape[0] // 2, shape[1] // 2, shape[2] // 2) ) ** 2, axis=-1, ) ) ) t2s_decay = BaseAcquisitionEngine._job_get_T2s_decay( sim_conf.hardware.dwell_time_ms, echo_idx, n_samples, phantom ) for i, evi in enumerate(trajectories): phantom_state = get_phantom_state(phantom, dyn_datas, i, sim_conf) if phantom.smaps is None: ksp = fft(phantom_state[:, None, ...], axis=(-3, -2, -1)) else: ksp = fft( phantom_state[:, None, ...] * phantom.smaps, axis=(-3, -2, -1) ) flat_evi = evi.reshape(-1, 3) for c in range(sim_conf.hardware.n_coils): ksp_coil_sum = np.zeros( (n_lines_epi * readout_length * n_slice), dtype=np.complex64 ) for b in range(phantom_state.shape[0]): ksp_coil_sum += ksp[b, c][tuple(flat_evi.T)] * t2s_decay[b] final_ksp[i, c] = ksp_coil_sum.reshape( (n_slice, n_lines_epi, readout_length) ) return final_ksp
[docs] @staticmethod def _job_model_simple( phantom: Phantom, dyn_datas: list[DynamicData], sim_conf: SimConfig, trajectories: NDArray, # (Chunksize, N, 3) ) -> np.ndarray: """Acquire k-space data. No T2s decay.""" final_ksp = np.zeros( ( len(trajectories), sim_conf.hardware.n_coils, trajectories.shape[-3], trajectories.shape[-2], ), dtype=np.complex64, ) for i, epi_2d in enumerate(trajectories): phantom_state = get_phantom_state(phantom, dyn_datas, i, sim_conf) if phantom.smaps is None: ksp = fft(phantom_state[None, ...], axis=(-3, -2, -1)) else: ksp = fft(phantom_state[None, ...] * phantom.smaps, axis=(-3, -2, -1)) flat_epi = epi_2d.reshape(-1, 3) for c in range(sim_conf.hardware.n_coils): ksp_coil = ksp[c] a = ksp_coil[tuple(flat_epi.T)] final_ksp[i, c] = a.reshape( trajectories.shape[-3], trajectories.shape[-2], ) return final_ksp
[docs] def _write_chunk_data( self, data_loader: MRDLoader, chunk: Sequence[int], chunk_data: NDArray ) -> None: shots = np.concatenate( [ np.arange( shot * self.n_lines_epi * self.n_slice_epi, (shot + 1) * self.n_lines_epi * self.n_slice_epi, dtype=np.int32, ) for shot in chunk ] ) chunk_data = np.moveaxis( chunk_data.view(np.float32), 1, 2 ) # put the coil axis after the readout axis acq_chunk = data_loader._dataset["data"][shots] acq_chunk["data"] = chunk_data.reshape(*acq_chunk.shape, -1) data_loader._dataset["data"][shots] = acq_chunk