Source code for snake.core.handlers.base
"""Base handler module."""
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
from collections import UserList
from typing import Any, ClassVar, TypeVar
import yaml
from typing_extensions import dataclass_transform
from ..._meta import MetaDCRegister
from ..phantom import DynamicData, KspaceDynamicData, Phantom
from ..simulation import SimConfig
T = TypeVar("T")
class AbstractHandler(metaclass=MetaHandler):
"""Handler Interface."""
__registry__: ClassVar[dict[str, type[AbstractHandler]]]
__handler_name__: ClassVar[str]
def get_static(self, phantom: Phantom, sim_conf: SimConfig) -> Phantom:
"""Get the static information of the handler."""
return phantom
def get_dynamic(self, phantom: Phantom, sim_conf: SimConfig) -> DynamicData | None:
"""Get the dynamic information of the handler."""
return None
def get_dynamic_kspace(self, sim_conf: SimConfig) -> KspaceDynamicData | None:
"""Get the dynamic kspace information of the handler."""
return None
def to_yaml(self) -> str:
"""Show the yaml config associated with the handler."""
return yaml.dump(dataclasses.asdict(self)) # type: ignore
class HandlerList(UserList):
"""Represent a Chain of Handler, that needs to be apply to a simulation."""
def __init__(self, *args: AbstractHandler): = list(args)
def from_cfg(cls, cfg: dict[str, Any]) -> HandlerList:
"""Create a HandlerList from a configuration."""
self = cls()
for handler_name, handler_cfg in cfg.items():
handler = get_handler(handler_name)
return self
def to_yaml(self, filename: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Serialize the handlerList as a yaml string."""
if filename:
with open(filename, "w") as f:
yaml.dump(self.serialize(), f)
return filename
return yaml.dump(self.serialize())
def serialize(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Serialize the handlerList as a list of dictionary."""
# handlers are dataclasses.
return [dataclasses.asdict(h) for h in]
# short alias
H = AbstractHandler.__registry__
handler = H
def list_handlers() -> list[str]:
"""List all available handlers."""
return list(H.keys())
def get_handler(name: str) -> type[AbstractHandler]:
"""Get a handler from its name."""
return H[name]