Source code for snake.core.sampling.base

"""Sampling pattern generations."""

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import ClassVar, overload
from typing_extensions import dataclass_transform
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from snake._meta import MetaDCRegister
from ..simulation import SimConfig

import ismrmrd as mrd

[docs] @dataclass_transform(kw_only_default=True) # Required here for pyright to work. class MetaSampler(MetaDCRegister): """MetaClass for Samplers.""" dunder_name = "sampler"
[docs] class BaseSampler(metaclass=MetaSampler): """Sampler Interface. A Sampler is designed to generate a sampling pattern. """ __sampler_name__: ClassVar[str] __engine__: ClassVar[str] __registry__: ClassVar[dict[str, type[BaseSampler]]] constant: bool = True
[docs] def __post_init__(self): self._frame = None
@property def log(self) -> logging.Logger: """Get a logger.""" return logging.getLogger(f"simulation.samplers.{self.__class__.__name__}") @overload def _single_frame(self, sim_conf: SimConfig) -> NDArray: # Generate a single frame raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_next_frame(self, sim_conf: SimConfig) -> NDArray: """Generate the next frame.""" if self.constant: if self._frame is None: self._frame = self._single_frame(sim_conf) return self._frame return self._single_frame(sim_conf)
@overload def add_all_acq_mrd(self, dataset: mrd.Dataset, sim_conf: SimConfig) -> mrd.Dataset: # Export the Sampling pattern to file raise NotImplementedError @overload def TR_vol_ms(self, sim_conf: SimConfig) -> float: # Get the TR in milliseconds. raise NotImplementedError