Source code for snake.mrd_utils.utils

"""Utils for the MRD format."""

import hashlib
import base64
import pickle
from enum import IntFlag
from typing import Any

[docs] def get_waveform_id(input_string: str) -> int: """ Generate a unique id from an input string. The generated id is guaranteed to be bigger than 1024 and smaller than 2^16. Parameters ---------- input_string : str The input string from which to generate the unique id. Returns ------- int Unique id generated from the input string. Examples -------- >>> generate_unique_id('hello_world') 32767 >>> generate_unique_id('this_is_a_test') 20481 """ # Convert the input string to a hash digest hash_object = hashlib.md5(input_string.encode()) hash_digest = int(hash_object.hexdigest(), 16) # Ensure the id is bigger than 1024 and smaller than 2^16 unique_id = hash_digest % (2**16 - 1024) + 1024 return unique_id
[docs] def obj2b64encode(f: Any) -> bytes: """Return the base64 encoded pickle of a python object.""" return base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(f))
[docs] def b64encode2obj(s: str) -> Any: """Load a base64 string as a python object.""" return pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(s))
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[docs] class ACQ(IntFlag): """Acquisition flags of MRD as an IntFlags.""" FIRST_IN_ENCODE_STEP1 = 1 << 0 LAST_IN_ENCODE_STEP1 = 1 << 1 FIRST_IN_ENCODE_STEP2 = 1 << 2 LAST_IN_ENCODE_STEP2 = 1 << 3 FIRST_IN_AVERAGE = 1 << 4 LAST_IN_AVERAGE = 1 << 5 FIRST_IN_SLICE = 1 << 6 LAST_IN_SLICE = 1 << 7 FIRST_IN_CONTRAST = 1 << 8 LAST_IN_CONTRAST = 1 << 9 FIRST_IN_PHASE = 1 << 10 LAST_IN_PHASE = 1 << 11 FIRST_IN_REPETITION = 1 << 12 LAST_IN_REPETITION = 1 << 13 FIRST_IN_SET = 1 << 14 LAST_IN_SET = 1 << 15 FIRST_IN_SEGMENT = 1 << 16 LAST_IN_SEGMENT = 1 << 17 IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT = 1 << 18 IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION = 1 << 19 IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION_AND_IMAGING = 1 << 20 IS_REVERSE = 1 << 21 IS_NAVIGATION_DATA = 1 << 22 IS_PHASECORR_DATA = 1 << 23 LAST_IN_MEASUREMENT = 1 << 24 IS_HPFEEDBACK_DATA = 1 << 25 IS_DUMMYSCAN_DATA = 1 << 26 IS_RTFEEDBACK_DATA = 1 << 27 IS_SURFACECOILCORRECTIONSCAN_DATA = 1 << 28 IS_PHASE_STABILIZATION_REFERENCE = 1 << 29 IS_PHASE_STABILIZATION = 1 << 30 COMPRESSION1 = 1 << 52 COMPRESSION2 = 1 << 53 COMPRESSION3 = 1 << 54 COMPRESSION4 = 1 << 55 USER1 = 1 << 56 USER2 = 1 << 57 USER3 = 1 << 58 USER4 = 1 << 59 USER5 = 1 << 60 USER6 = 1 << 61 USER7 = 1 << 62 USER8 = 1 << 63
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