Source code for snake.toolkit.plotting

"""Plotting utilities for the project."""

import matplotlib
from typing import Any

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider import Size, make_axes_locatable
from skimage.measure import find_contours
from import ScalarMappable

[docs] def get_coolgraywarm(thresh: float = 3, max: float = 7) -> matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar: """Get a cool-warm colorbar, with gray inside the threshold.""" coolwarm = matplotlib.colormaps["coolwarm"].resampled(256) newcolors = coolwarm(np.linspace(0, 1, 256)) gray = np.array([0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1]) minthresh = int(128 + (thresh / max) * 128) maxthresh = int(128 - (thresh / max) * 128) newcolors[minthresh:maxthresh, :] = gray cool_gray_warm = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(newcolors) return cool_gray_warm
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[docs] def _get_axis_properties( array_bg: NDArray, cuts: tuple[int, ...], width_inches: float, cbar: bool = True, arr_pad: int = 4, tight_crop: bool = True, ) -> tuple[ NDArray, NDArray, tuple[tuple[slice, slice], ...], tuple[tuple[Any, Any, Any], ...], ]: """Generate mplt toolkit axes dividers for a 3D array. Parameters ---------- array_bg: 3D array The 3D array to display. cuts: tuple The cuts to performs to create 3 2D array to display. width_inches: float The width of the figure in inches. cbar: bool Display the colorbar. arr_pad: int Padding to add to the bounding box. tight_crop: bool, default True If True, crop the image to their bounding box, to remove empty space. Returns ------- hdiv: np.ndarray The horizontal division. vdiv: np.ndarray The vertical division. bbox: tuple The bounding box of the 2D arrays cuts. slices: tuple The slices to take from the 3D array. """ slices = (np.s_[cuts[0], :, :], np.s_[:, cuts[1], :], np.s_[:, :, cuts[2]]) bbox: list[tuple] = [(None, None) for _ in range(3)] for i in range(3): cut = array_bg[slices[i]] if cut.dtype != "bool": mask = abs(cut) > 0.5 * np.percentile(abs(cut), 95) else: mask = cut rows = np.any(mask, axis=1) cols = np.any(mask, axis=0) try: rmin, rmax = np.where(rows)[0][[0, -1]] cmin, cmax = np.where(cols)[0][[0, -1]] except IndexError: rmin, rmax = 0, mask.shape[0] cmin, cmax = 0, mask.shape[1] if tight_crop: rmin = max(0, rmin - arr_pad) rmax = min(rmax + arr_pad, mask.shape[0]) cmin = max(0, cmin - arr_pad) cmax = min(cmax + arr_pad, mask.shape[1]) bbox[i] = (slice(rmin, rmax), slice(cmin, cmax)) else: bbox[i] = (slice(0, cut.shape[0]), slice(0, cut.shape[1])) hdiv, vdiv = _get_hdiv_vdiv(array_bg, bbox, slices, width_inches, cbar=cbar) return hdiv, vdiv, tuple(bbox), slices
[docs] def _get_hdiv_vdiv( array_bg: NDArray, bbox: tuple[tuple[slice]], slices: tuple[slice], width_inches: float, cbar: bool = False, ) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: sizes = np.array([(bb.stop - bb.start) for b in bbox for bb in b]) sizes = tuple(array_bg[s][b].shape for s, b in zip(slices, bbox, strict=False)) alpha1 = sizes[1][1] / sizes[2][1] update_sizes = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]] update_sizes[2][0] = sizes[2][0] update_sizes[2][1] = sizes[2][1] alpha1 = sizes[2][1] / sizes[1][1] update_sizes[1][0] = sizes[1][0] * alpha1 update_sizes[1][1] = sizes[1][1] * alpha1 alpha2 = (update_sizes[2][0] + update_sizes[1][0]) / sizes[0][0] update_sizes[0][0] = sizes[0][0] * alpha2 update_sizes[0][1] = sizes[0][1] * alpha2 aspect = update_sizes[0][0] / (update_sizes[0][1] + update_sizes[1][1]) split_lr = update_sizes[0][1] / (update_sizes[1][1] + update_sizes[0][1]) split_tb = update_sizes[1][0] / (update_sizes[1][0] + update_sizes[2][0]) hdiv = [ width_inches * split_lr, width_inches * (1 - split_lr), ] if cbar: hdiv.extend( [ 0.02 * hdiv[0], 0.02 * hdiv[0], ] ) np.array(hdiv) height_inches = width_inches * aspect vdiv = np.array([height_inches * split_tb, height_inches * (1 - split_tb)]) return hdiv, vdiv
[docs] def get_mask_cuts_mask(mask: NDArray) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Get the optimal cut that expose maximum number of voxel in mask.""" max_cuts = [0] * len(mask.shape) for i in range(len(max_cuts)): max_cuts[i] = int(np.argmax(np.sum(mask, axis=tuple(np.array([-2, -1]) + i)))) return tuple(max_cuts)
[docs] def plot_frames_activ( background: NDArray, z_score: NDArray, rois: list[NDArray] | None, ax: plt.Axes, slices: tuple[Any, ...], bbox: tuple[Any, ...], z_thresh: float = 3, z_max: float = 11, bg_cmap: str = "gray", ) -> tuple[plt.Axes, matplotlib.image.AxesImage]: """Plot activation maps and background. Parameters ---------- background: 3D array z_score: 3D array roi: 3D array ax: plt.Axes slices: tuple bbox: tuple z_thresh: float z_max: float bg_cmap: str """ bg = background[slices][bbox].squeeze() im = ax.imshow( bg, vmin=np.min(background), vmax=np.max(background), cmap=bg_cmap, origin="lower", aspect="equal", ) if z_score is not None: masked_z = z_score[slices][bbox].squeeze() masked_z[abs(masked_z) < z_thresh] = np.nan im = ax.imshow( masked_z, alpha=1, cmap=get_coolgraywarm(z_thresh, max=z_max), vmin=-z_max, vmax=z_max, aspect="equal", interpolation="nearest", origin="lower", ) if rois is not None: for roi in rois: roi_cut = roi[slices][bbox].squeeze() contours = find_contours(roi_cut) for c in contours: ax.plot( c[:, 1], c[:, 0] - 0.5, c="cyan", label="ground-truth", linewidth=1 ) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) return ax, im
[docs] def axis3dcut( background: NDArray[np.float32], z_score: NDArray[np.float32] | None, gt_roi: NDArray | None = None, width_inches: float = 7, cbar: bool = True, cuts: tuple[int, ...] | tuple[float, ...] | None = None, bbox: tuple[tuple[Any, Any], ...] | None = None, slices: tuple[tuple[Any, Any, Any], ...] | None = None, bg_cmap: str = "gray", ax: plt.Axes | None = None, vmin_vmax: tuple[float] = None, z_thresh: float = 3, z_max: float = 11, tight_crop: bool = False, ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes, tuple[int, ...]]: """Display a 3D image with zscore and ground truth ROI. This function is used to display a 3D brain image with optional overlay for the z-score and the ground truth ROI outline. Parameters ---------- background: 3D array The background image to display. z_score: 3D array, optional The z-score activation map to display, thresholded at z_thresh. gt_roi: 3D array, optional The ground truth ROI to display. If None, no ROI is displayed. width_inches: float, optional The width of the figure in inches. cbar: bool, optional Display the colorbar. cuts: tuple, optional The cuts to performs to create 3 2D array to display. If None, the cuts are computed, such that the ROI is maximally exposed. bbox: tuple, optional The bounding box to display. slices: tuple, optional The slices to display. bg_cmap: str, optional The colormap for the background image. ax: plt.Axes, optional The axes to use to display the image. vmin_vmax: tuple, optional The vmin and vmax to use for the background image. z_thresh: float, optional The threshold to use for the z-score. z_max: float, optional The maximum value for the z-score. tight_crop: bool, optional If True, crop the image to their bounding box, to remove empty space. Returns ------- fig: plt.Figure The figure. ax: plt.Axes The axes. """ # ax.axis("off") if isinstance(gt_roi, np.ndarray): gt_roi = [gt_roi] if cuts is None and gt_roi is not None: cuts_ = get_mask_cuts_mask(gt_roi[0]) gt_roi_ = gt_roi elif cuts is not None and gt_roi is not None: cuts_ = cuts gt_roi_ = gt_roi elif cuts is None and gt_roi is None: raise ValueError("Missing gt_roi to compute ideal cuts.") elif cuts is not None and gt_roi is None: cuts_ = cuts gt_roi_ = None if all(isinstance(c, float) and 0 < c < 1 for c in cuts_): cuts_ = tuple(round(c * background.shape[i]) for i, c in enumerate(cuts_)) if bbox is None and slices is None: hdiv, vdiv, bbox_, slices_ = _get_axis_properties( background, cuts_, width_inches, cbar=cbar, tight_crop=tight_crop, ) elif bbox is not None and slices is not None: hdiv, vdiv = _get_hdiv_vdiv(background, bbox, slices, width_inches, cbar=cbar) bbox_ = bbox slices_ = slices else: raise ValueError("Missing either bbox or slices.") if ax is not None: fig = ax.get_figure() else: # TODO Use the correct figure size fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(width_inches, width_inches)) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) divider.set_horizontal([Size.Fixed(s) for s in hdiv]) divider.set_vertical([Size.Fixed(s) for s in vdiv]) axG: list[plt.Axes] = [None, None, None] for i, (nx, ny, ny1) in enumerate([(0, 0, 2), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 2)]): axG[i] = plt.Axes(fig, ax.get_position(original=True)) axG[i].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=nx, ny=ny, ny1=ny1)) fig.add_axes(axG[i]) for i in range(3): plot_frames_activ( background, z_score, gt_roi_, axG[i], slices_[i], bbox_[i], bg_cmap=bg_cmap, z_thresh=z_thresh, z_max=z_max, ) if cbar: cax = type(ax)(fig, ax.get_position(original=True)) cax.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=3, ny=0, ny1=-1)) if z_score is not None: im = ScalarMappable(norm="linear", cmap=get_coolgraywarm()) im.set_clim(-z_max, z_max) matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar(cax, im, orientation="vertical") cax.set_ylabel("z-scores", labelpad=-20) cax.set_yticks( np.concatenate( [ -np.arange(z_thresh, z_max + 1, 2), np.arange(z_thresh, z_max + 1, 2), ] ) ) else: # use the background image if vmin_vmax is None: vmin, vmax = (np.min(background), np.max(background)) else: vmin, vmax = vmin_vmax im = ScalarMappable(norm="linear", cmap=bg_cmap) im.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar(cax, im, orientation="vertical") fig.add_axes(cax) ax.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0, ny1=-1, nx1=-1)) ax.set_zorder(10) ax.axis("off") # ax.set_xticks([]) # ax.set_yticks([]) return fig, ax, cuts_