Source code for snake.toolkit.reconstructors.pysap

"""Reconstructors using PySAP-fMRI toolbox."""

import copy
import os

from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray

# Local imports
from snake.mrd_utils import (
from snake.core.parallel import (
from snake._meta import NoCaseEnum
from snake.core.simulation import SimConfig
from import tqdm

from .base import BaseReconstructor
from .fourier import ifft, init_nufft

[docs] def _reconstruct_cartesian_frame( filename: os.PathLike, idx: int, smaps_props: ArrayProps | None, final_props: ArrayProps, ) -> int: """Reconstruct a single frame.""" with ( array_from_shm(final_props) as final_images, CartesianFrameDataLoader(filename) as data_loader, ): mask, kspace = data_loader.get_kspace_frame(idx) adj_data = ifft(kspace, axis=tuple(range(len(data_loader.shape), 0, -1))) if smaps_props is not None and data_loader.n_coils > 1: with array_from_shm(smaps_props) as smaps_info: smaps = smaps_info[0] adj_data_smaps_comb = abs( np.sum(adj_data * smaps.conj(), axis=0) / np.sum(smaps * smaps.conj(), axis=0) ).astype(np.float32, copy=False) elif data_loader.n_coils > 1: adj_data_smaps_comb = np.sqrt(np.sum(abs(adj_data) ** 2, axis=0)).astype( np.float32, copy=False ) else: adj_data_smaps_comb = abs(adj_data).astype(np.float32, copy=False) final_images[0][idx] = adj_data_smaps_comb return idx
[docs] class ZeroFilledReconstructor(BaseReconstructor): """Zero Filled Reconstructor.""" __reconstructor_name__ = "adjoint" n_jobs: int = 10 nufft_backend: str = "gpunufft" density_compensation: str | bool = "pipe"
[docs] def setup(self, sim_conf: SimConfig) -> None: """Initialize Reconstructor.""" pass
[docs] def reconstruct( self, data_loader: MRDLoader, sim_conf: SimConfig = None, ) -> NDArray: """Reconstruct data with zero-filled method.""" with data_loader: if isinstance(data_loader, CartesianFrameDataLoader): return self._reconstruct_cartesian(data_loader) elif isinstance(data_loader, NonCartesianFrameDataLoader): return self._reconstruct_nufft(data_loader) else: raise ValueError("Unknown dataloader")
[docs] def _reconstruct_cartesian( self, data_loader: CartesianFrameDataLoader, ) -> NDArray: """Reconstruct Cartesian data with zero-filled method.""" smaps = data_loader.get_smaps() if smaps is None and data_loader.n_coils > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Missing coil combine code.") final_images = np.ones( (data_loader.n_frames, *data_loader.shape), dtype=np.float32 ) with ( SharedMemoryManager() as smm, ProcessPoolExecutor(self.n_jobs) as executor, tqdm(total=data_loader.n_frames) as pbar, ): smaps_props = None if smaps is not None: smaps_props, smaps_shared, smaps_sm = array_to_shm(smaps, smm) final_props, final_shared, final_sm = array_to_shm(final_images, smm) futures = { executor.submit( _reconstruct_cartesian_frame, data_loader._filename, idx, smaps_props, final_props, ): idx for idx in range(data_loader.n_frames) } for future in as_completed(futures): future.result() pbar.update(1) final_images[:] = final_shared.copy() final_sm.close() if smaps_props is not None: smaps_sm.close() smm.shutdown() return final_images
[docs] def _reconstruct_nufft( self, data_loader: NonCartesianFrameDataLoader, ) -> NDArray: """Reconstruct data with nufft method.""" nufft_operator = init_nufft( data_loader, self.nufft_backend, self.density_compensation ) final_images = np.empty( (data_loader.n_frames, *data_loader.shape), dtype=np.float32 ) for i in tqdm(range(data_loader.n_frames)): traj, data = data_loader.get_kspace_frame(i) if data_loader.slice_2d: nufft_operator.samples = traj.reshape( data_loader.n_shots, -1, traj.shape[-1] )[0, :, :2] data = np.reshape(data, (data.shape[0], data_loader.n_shots, -1)) for j in range(data.shape[1]): final_images[i, :, :, j] = abs(nufft_operator.adj_op(data[:, j])) else: nufft_operator.samples = traj final_images[i] = abs(nufft_operator.adj_op(data)) return final_images
[docs] class RestartStrategy(NoCaseEnum): """Restart strategies for the reconstruction.""" WARM = "warm" COLD = "cold" REFINE = "refine"
[docs] class SequentialReconstructor(BaseReconstructor): """Use a sequential Reconstruction. Parameters ---------- max_iter_frame Number of iteration to allow per frame. optimizer Optimizer name, available are pogm and fista. threshold Threshold value for the wavelet regularisation. """ __reconstructor_name__ = "sequential" max_iter_per_frame: int = 15 optimizer: str = "pogm" wavelet: str = "db4" threshold: float | str = "sure" nufft_backend: str = "gpunufft" density_compensation: str | bool = "pipe" restart_strategy: RestartStrategy = RestartStrategy.WARM compute_backend: str = "cupy"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the reconstructor.""" return f"{self.__reconstructor_name__}-{self.restart_strategy}"
[docs] def setup(self, sim_conf: SimConfig = None, shape: tuple[int] = None) -> None: """Set up the reconstructor.""" from fmri.operators.weighted import AutoWeightedSparseThreshold from modopt.opt.linear import Identity from modopt.opt.linear.wavelet import WaveletTransform from modopt.opt.proximity import SparseThreshold from modopt.base.backend import get_backend if sim_conf is None and shape is None: raise ValueError("SimConfig or shape must be provided.") elif sim_conf is not None and shape is not None: raise ValueError("SimConfig and shape cannot be provided at the same time.") elif sim_conf is not None: shape = sim_conf.shape self.space_linear_op = WaveletTransform( self.wavelet, shape=shape, level=3, mode="zero", compute_backend=self.compute_backend, ) xp, _ = get_backend(self.compute_backend) _ = self.space_linear_op.op(xp.zeros(shape, dtype=np.complex64)) if self.threshold == "sure": self.space_prox_op = AutoWeightedSparseThreshold( self.space_linear_op.coeffs_shape, linear=None, threshold_estimation="hybrid-sure", threshold_scaler=0.6, ) else: self.threshold = float(self.threshold) self.space_prox_op = SparseThreshold( linear=Identity(), weights=self.threshold )
[docs] def reconstruct(self, data_loader: MRDLoader) -> np.ndarray: """Reconstruct with Sequential.""" shape = data_loader.shape self.setup(shape=shape) from fmri.operators.gradient import ( GradAnalysis, GradSynthesis, ) from modopt.base.backend import get_backend from mrinufft import get_operator from mrinufft.density import pipe xp, _ = get_backend(self.compute_backend) traj, data = data_loader.get_kspace_frame(0) smaps = data_loader.get_smaps() density_compensation = self.density_compensation if ( isinstance(self.density_compensation, str) and "first" in self.density_compensation ): density_compensation = False kwargs = {} if "stacked" in self.nufft_backend: kwargs["z_index"] = "auto" if self.nufft_backend == "cufinufft": kwargs["smaps_cached"] = True fourier_op = get_operator( self.nufft_backend, samples=traj, shape=data_loader.shape, n_coils=data_loader.n_coils, smaps=smaps, # smaps=xp.array(smaps) if smaps is not None else None, density=density_compensation, **kwargs, ) final_estimate = np.zeros( (data_loader.n_frames, *data_loader.shape), dtype=np.float32 ) grad_kwargs = dict( fourier_op=fourier_op, input_data_writeable=True, dtype=np.complex64, compute_backend=self.compute_backend, num_check_lips=0, verbose=0, ) if self.optimizer in ["fista"]: grad_op = GradAnalysis(**grad_kwargs) if self.optimizer in ["pogm"]: grad_op = GradSynthesis(linear_op=self.space_linear_op, **grad_kwargs) x_init = xp.zeros(shape, dtype=np.complex64) if ( isinstance(self.density_compensation, str) and "first" in self.density_compensation ): density_comp_vector = pipe(traj, shape, self.nufft_backend) x_init = fourier_op.adj_op(xp.array(data * density_comp_vector, copy=False)) else: x_init = fourier_op.adj_op(xp.array(data, copy=False)) pbar_frames = tqdm(total=data_loader.n_frames, position=0) pbar_iter = tqdm(total=self.max_iter_per_frame, position=1) for i, traj, data in data_loader.iter_frames(): grad_op.fourier_op.samples = traj spec_rad = grad_op.fourier_op.get_lipschitz_cst(20) grad_op._obs_data = xp.array(data) grad_op.spec_rad = spec_rad grad_op.inv_spec_rad = 1 / spec_rad x_iter = self._reconstruct_frame( grad_op, x_init, n_iter=self.max_iter_per_frame, progbar=pbar_iter, ) # Prepare for next iteration and save results x_init = ( x_iter.copy() if self.restart_strategy != RestartStrategy.COLD else x_init.copy() ) if self.compute_backend == "cupy": final_estimate[i, ...] = abs(x_iter).get() # type: ignore else: final_estimate[i, ...] = abs(x_iter) pbar_frames.update(1) if self.restart_strategy != RestartStrategy.REFINE: return final_estimate # else, we do a second pass on the data using the last iteration as a slotion. pbar_frames.reset() pbar_iter.reset() x_init = x_iter.copy() # last iteration results. for i, traj, data in data_loader.iter_frames(): grad_op.fourier_op.samples = traj spec_rad = grad_op.fourier_op.get_lipschitz_cst() grad_op._obs_data = xp.array(data) grad_op.spec_rad = spec_rad grad_op.inv_spec_rad = 1 / spec_rad x_iter = self._reconstruct_frame( grad_op, x_init, n_iter=self.max_iter_per_frame, progbar=pbar_iter, ) if self.compute_backend == "cupy": final_estimate[i, ...] = abs(x_iter).get() # type: ignore else: final_estimate[i, ...] = abs(x_iter) pbar_frames.update(1) return final_estimate
[docs] def _reconstruct_frame( self, grad_op: Any, x_init: NDArray, n_iter: int = 15, progbar: tqdm | None = None, ) -> NDArray: from fmri.reconstructors.utils import initialize_opt from modopt.base.backend import get_backend xp, _ = get_backend(self.compute_backend) # only recreate gradient if the trajectory change. # reset Smaps and optimizer if required. opt = initialize_opt( opt_name=self.optimizer, grad_op=grad_op, linear_op=copy.deepcopy(self.space_linear_op), prox_op=copy.deepcopy(self.space_prox_op), x_init=x_init, synthesis_init=False, metric_kwargs={}, compute_backend=self.compute_backend, opt_kwargs=dict( verbose=0, cost="auto", ), ) # if no reset, the internal state is kept. if progbar is not None: progbar.reset(total=n_iter) opt.iterate(max_iter=n_iter, progbar=progbar) if hasattr(grad_op, "linear_op"): img = grad_op.linear_op.adj_op(opt.x_final) else: img = opt.x_final return img