Source code for mrinufft.trajectories.trajectory3D

"""Functions to initialize 3D trajectories."""

from functools import partial
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as nl
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from scipy.special import ellipj, ellipk

from .maths import (
from .tools import conify, duplicate_along_axes, epify, precess, stack
from .trajectory2D import initialize_2D_radial, initialize_2D_spiral
from .utils import KMAX, Packings, Spirals, initialize_shape_norm, initialize_tilt


[docs] def initialize_3D_phyllotaxis_radial( Nc: int, Ns: int, nb_interleaves: int = 1, in_out: bool = False ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D radial trajectories with phyllotactic structure. The radial shots are oriented according to a Fibonacci sphere lattice, supposed to reproduce the phyllotaxis found in nature through flowers, etc. It ensures an almost uniform distribution. This function reproduces the proposition from [Pic+11]_, but the name "spiral phyllotaxis" was changed to avoid confusion with actual spirals. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot nb_interleaves : int, optional Number of implicit interleaves defining the shots order for a more uniform k-space distribution over time. When the number of interleaves belong to the Fibonacci sequence, the shots from one interleave are structured into a continuous spiral over the surface the k-space sphere, by default 1 in_out : bool, optional Whether the curves are going in-and-out or start from the center, by default False Returns ------- NDArray 3D phyllotaxis radial trajectory References ---------- .. [Pic+11] Piccini, Davide, Arne Littmann, Sonia Nielles‐Vallespin, and Michael O. Zenge. "Spiral phyllotaxis: the natural way to construct a 3D radial trajectory in MRI." Magnetic resonance in medicine 66, no. 4 (2011): 1049-1056. """ trajectory = initialize_3D_cones(Nc, Ns, tilt="golden", width=0, in_out=in_out) trajectory = trajectory.reshape((-1, nb_interleaves, Ns, 3)) trajectory = np.swapaxes(trajectory, 0, 1) trajectory = trajectory.reshape((Nc, Ns, 3)) return trajectory
[docs] def initialize_3D_golden_means_radial( Nc: int, Ns: int, in_out: bool = False ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D radial trajectories with golden means-based structure. The radial shots are oriented using multidimensional golden means, which are derived from modified Fibonacci sequences by an eigenvalue approach, to provide a temporally stable acquisition with widely spread shots at all time. This function reproduces the proposition from [Cha+09]_, with in addition the option to switch between center-out and in-out radial shots. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot in_out : bool, optional Whether the curves are going in-and-out or start from the center, by default False Returns ------- NDArray 3D golden means radial trajectory References ---------- .. [Cha+09] Chan, Rachel W., Elizabeth A. Ramsay, Charles H. Cunningham, and Donald B. Plewes. "Temporal stability of adaptive 3D radial MRI using multidimensional golden means." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 61, no. 2 (2009): 354-363. """ m1 = (EIGENVECTOR_2D_FIBONACCI[0] * np.arange(Nc)) % 1 m2 = (EIGENVECTOR_2D_FIBONACCI[1] * np.arange(Nc)) % 1 polar_angle = np.arccos(m1).reshape((-1, 1)) azimuthal_angle = (2 * np.pi * m2).reshape((-1, 1)) radius = np.linspace(-1 * in_out, 1, Ns).reshape((1, -1)) sign = 1 if in_out else (-1) ** np.arange(Nc).reshape((-1, 1)) trajectory = np.zeros((Nc, Ns, 3)) trajectory[..., 0] = radius * np.sin(polar_angle) * np.cos(azimuthal_angle) trajectory[..., 1] = radius * np.sin(polar_angle) * np.sin(azimuthal_angle) trajectory[..., 2] = radius * np.cos(polar_angle) * sign return KMAX * trajectory
[docs] def initialize_3D_wong_radial( Nc: int, Ns: int, nb_interleaves: int = 1, in_out: bool = False ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D radial trajectories with a spiral structure. The radial shots are oriented according to an archimedean spiral over a sphere surface, for each interleave. This function reproduces the proposition from [WR94]_, with in addition the option to switch between center-out and in-out radial shots. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot nb_interleaves : int, optional Number of implicit interleaves defining the shots order for a more structured k-space distribution over time, by default 1 in_out : bool, optional Whether the curves are going in-and-out or start from the center, by default False Returns ------- NDArray 3D Wong radial trajectory References ---------- .. [WR94] Wong, Sam TS, and Mark S. Roos. "A strategy for sampling on a sphere applied to 3D selective RF pulse design." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 32, no. 6 (1994): 778-784. """ N = Nc // nb_interleaves M = nb_interleaves points = np.zeros((M, N, 3)) points[..., 2] = ( (2 - in_out) * np.arange(1, N + 1) - (1 - in_out) * N - 1 ).reshape((1, -1)) / N planar_radius = np.sqrt(1 - points[..., 2] ** 2) azimuthal_angle = np.sqrt(N * np.pi / M) * np.arcsin(points[..., 2]) azimuthal_angle += 2 * np.pi * np.arange(1, M + 1).reshape((-1, 1)) / M points[..., 0] = planar_radius * np.cos(azimuthal_angle) points[..., 1] = planar_radius * np.sin(azimuthal_angle) points = points.reshape((Nc, 3)) trajectory = np.linspace(-points * in_out, points, Ns) trajectory = np.swapaxes(trajectory, 0, 1) trajectory = KMAX * trajectory / np.max(nl.norm(trajectory, axis=-1)) return trajectory
[docs] def initialize_3D_park_radial( Nc: int, Ns: int, nb_interleaves: int = 1, in_out: bool = False ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D radial trajectories with a spiral structure. The radial shots are oriented according to an archimedean spiral over a sphere surface, shared uniformly between all interleaves. This function reproduces the proposition from [Par+16]_, itself based on the work from [WR94]_, with in addition the option to switch between center-out and in-out radial shots. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot nb_interleaves : int, optional Number of implicit interleaves defining the shots order for a more structured k-space distribution over time, by default 1 in_out : bool, optional Whether the curves are going in-and-out or start from the center, by default False Returns ------- NDArray 3D Park radial trajectory References ---------- .. [Par+16] Park, Jinil, Taehoon Shin, Soon Ho Yoon, Jin Mo Goo, and Jang‐Yeon Park. "A radial sampling strategy for uniform k‐space coverage with retrospective respiratory gating in 3D ultrashort‐echo‐time lung imaging." NMR in Biomedicine 29, no. 5 (2016): 576-587. """ trajectory = initialize_3D_wong_radial(Nc, Ns, nb_interleaves=1, in_out=in_out) trajectory = trajectory.reshape((-1, nb_interleaves, Ns, 3)) trajectory = np.swapaxes(trajectory, 0, 1) trajectory = trajectory.reshape((Nc, Ns, 3)) return trajectory
############################ # FREEFORM 3D TRAJECTORIES # ############################
[docs] def initialize_3D_cones( Nc: int, Ns: int, tilt: str | float = "golden", in_out: bool = False, nb_zigzags: float = 5, spiral: str | float = "archimedes", width: float = 1, ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D trajectories with cones. Initialize a trajectory consisting of 3D cones duplicated in each direction and almost evenly distributed using a Fibonacci lattice spherical projection when the tilt is set to "golden". The cone width is automatically determined based on the optimal circle packing of a sphere surface, as discussed in [CK90]_. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot tilt : str, float, optional Tilt of the cones, by default "golden" in_out : bool, optional Whether the curves are going in-and-out or start from the center, by default False nb_zigzags : float, optional Number of zigzags of the cones, by default 5 spiral : str, float, optional Spiral type, by default "archimedes" width : float, optional Cone width normalized such that `width=1` avoids cone overlaps, by default 1 Returns ------- NDArray 3D cones trajectory References ---------- .. [CK90] Clare, B. W., and D. L. Kepert. "The optimal packing of circles on a sphere." Journal of mathematical chemistry 6, no. 1 (1991): 325-349. """ # Initialize first spiral single_spiral = initialize_2D_spiral( Nc=1, Ns=Ns, spiral=spiral, in_out=in_out, nb_revolutions=nb_zigzags, ) # Estimate best cone angle based on the ratio between # sphere volume divided by Nc and spherical sector packing optimaly a sphere max_angle = np.pi / 2 - width * np.arccos( 1 - CIRCLE_PACKING_DENSITY * 2 / Nc / (1 + in_out) ) # Initialize first cone ## Create three cones for proper partitioning, but only one is needed cones = conify( single_spiral, nb_cones=3, z_tilt=None, in_out=in_out, max_angle=max_angle, borderless=False, )[-1:] # Apply precession to the first cone trajectory = precess( cones, tilt=tilt, nb_rotations=Nc, half_sphere=in_out, partition="axial", axis=2, ) return trajectory
[docs] def initialize_3D_floret( Nc: int, Ns: int, in_out: bool = False, nb_revolutions: float = 1, spiral: str | float = "fermat", cone_tilt: str | float = "golden", max_angle: float = np.pi / 2, axes: tuple[int, ...] = (2,), ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D trajectories with FLORET. This implementation is based on the work from [Pip+11]_. The acronym FLORET stands for Fermat Looped, Orthogonally Encoded Trajectories. It consists of Fermat spirals folded into 3D cones along one or several axes. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot in_out : bool, optional Whether to start from the center or not, by default False nb_revolutions : float, optional Number of revolutions of the spirals, by default 1 spiral : str, float, optional Spiral type, by default "fermat" cone_tilt : str, float, optional Tilt of the cones around the :math:`k_z`-axis, by default "golden" max_angle : float, optional Maximum polar angle starting from the :math:`k_x-k_y` plane, by default pi / 2 axes : tuple, optional Axes over which cones are created, by default (2,) Returns ------- NDArray 3D FLORET trajectory References ---------- .. [Pip+11] Pipe, James G., Nicholas R. Zwart, Eric A. Aboussouan, Ryan K. Robison, Ajit Devaraj, and Kenneth O. Johnson. "A new design and rationale for 3D orthogonally oversampled k‐space trajectories." Magnetic resonance in medicine 66, no. 5 (2011): 1303-1311. """ # Define convenience variables and check argument errors Nc_per_axis = Nc // len(axes) if Nc % len(axes) != 0: raise ValueError("Nc should be divisible by len(axes).") # Initialize first spiral single_spiral = initialize_2D_spiral( Nc=1, Ns=Ns, spiral=spiral, in_out=in_out, nb_revolutions=nb_revolutions, ) # Initialize first cone cones = conify( single_spiral, nb_cones=Nc_per_axis, z_tilt=cone_tilt, in_out=in_out, max_angle=max_angle, ) # Duplicate cone along axes axes = tuple(2 - ax for ax in axes) # Default axis is kz, not kx trajectory = duplicate_along_axes(cones, axes=axes) return trajectory
[docs] def initialize_3D_wave_caipi( Nc: int, Ns: int, nb_revolutions: float = 5, width: float = 1, packing: str = "triangular", shape: str | float = "square", spacing: tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D trajectories with Wave-CAIPI. This implementation is based on the work from [Bil+15]_. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot nb_revolutions : float, optional Number of revolutions, by default 5 width : float, optional Diameter of the helices normalized such that `width=1` densely covers the k-space without overlap for square packing, by default 1. packing : str, optional Packing method used to position the helices: "triangular"/"hexagonal", "square", "circular" or "random"/"uniform", by default "triangular". shape : str | float, optional Shape over the 2D :math:`k_x-k_y` plane to pack with shots, either defined as `str` ("circle", "square", "diamond") or as `float` through p-norms following the conventions of the `ord` parameter from `numpy.linalg.norm`, by default "circle". spacing : tuple[int, int] Spacing between helices over the 2D :math:`k_x-k_y` plane normalized similarly to `width` to correspond to helix diameters, by default (1, 1). Returns ------- NDArray 3D wave-CAIPI trajectory References ---------- .. [Bil+15] Bilgic, Berkin, Borjan A. Gagoski, Stephen F. Cauley, Audrey P. Fan, Jonathan R. Polimeni, P. Ellen Grant, Lawrence L. Wald, and Kawin Setsompop. "Wave‐CAIPI for highly accelerated 3D imaging." Magnetic resonance in medicine 73, no. 6 (2015): 2152-2162. """ trajectory = np.zeros((Nc, Ns, 3)) # Initialize first shot angles = nb_revolutions * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, Ns) / Ns trajectory[0, :, 0] = width * np.cos(angles) trajectory[0, :, 1] = width * np.sin(angles) trajectory[0, :, 2] = np.linspace(-1, 1, Ns) # Choose the helix positions according to packing packing_enum = Packings[packing] side = 2 * int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(Nc))) * np.max(spacing) if packing_enum == Packings.RANDOM: positions = 2 * side * (np.random.random((side * side, 2)) - 0.5) elif packing_enum == Packings.CIRCLE: positions = [[0, 0]] counter = 0 while len(positions) < side**2: counter += 1 perimeter = 2 * np.pi * counter nb_shots = int(np.trunc(perimeter)) # Add the full circle radius = 2 * counter angles = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(nb_shots) / nb_shots circle = radius * np.exp(1j * angles) positions = np.concatenate( [positions, np.array([circle.real, circle.imag]).T], axis=0 ) elif packing_enum in [Packings.SQUARE, Packings.TRIANGLE, Packings.HEXAGONAL]: # Square packing or initialize hexagonal/triangular packing px, py = np.meshgrid( np.arange(-side + 1, side, 2), np.arange(-side + 1, side, 2) ) positions = np.stack([px.flatten(), py.flatten()], axis=-1).astype(float) if packing_enum in [Packings.HEXAGON, Packings.TRIANGLE]: # Hexagonal/triangular packing based on square packing positions[::2, 1] += 1 / 2 positions[1::2, 1] -= 1 / 2 ratio = nl.norm(np.diff(positions[:2], axis=-1)) positions[:, 0] /= ratio / 2 if packing_enum == Packings.FIBONACCI: # Estimate helix width based on the k-space 2D surface # and an optimal circle packing positions = np.sqrt( Nc * 2 / CIRCLE_PACKING_DENSITY ) * generate_fibonacci_circle(Nc * 2) # Remove points by distance to fit both shape and Nc main_order = initialize_shape_norm(shape) tie_order = 2 if (main_order != 2) else np.inf # breaking ties positions = np.array(positions) * np.array(spacing) positions = sorted(positions, key=partial(nl.norm, ord=tie_order)) positions = sorted(positions, key=partial(nl.norm, ord=main_order)) positions = positions[:Nc] # Shifting copies of the initial shot to all positions initial_shot = np.copy(trajectory[0]) positions = np.concatenate([positions, np.zeros((Nc, 1))], axis=-1) for i in range(len(positions)): trajectory[i] = initial_shot + positions[i] trajectory[..., :2] /= np.max(np.abs(trajectory)) return KMAX * trajectory
[docs] def initialize_3D_seiffert_spiral( Nc: int, Ns: int, curve_index: float = 0.2, nb_revolutions: float = 1, axis_tilt: str | float = "golden", spiral_tilt: str | float = "golden", in_out: bool = False, ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D trajectories with modulated Seiffert spirals. Initially introduced in [SMR18]_, but also proposed later as "Yarnball" in [SB21]_ as a nod to [IN95]_. The implementation is based on work from [Er00]_ and [Br09]_, using Jacobi elliptic functions rather than auxiliary theta functions. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot curve_index : float Index controlling curve from 0 (flat) to 1 (curvy), by default 0.3 nb_revolutions : float Number of revolutions, i.e. times the polar angle of the curves passes through 0, by default 1 axis_tilt : str, float, optional Angle between shots over a precession around the z-axis, by default "golden" spiral_tilt : str, float, optional Angle of the spiral within its own axis defined from center to its outermost point, by default "golden" in_out : bool Whether the curves are going in-and-out or start from the center, by default False Returns ------- NDArray 3D Seiffert spiral trajectory References ---------- .. [IN95] Irarrazabal, Pablo, and Dwight G. Nishimura. "Fast three dimensional magnetic resonance imaging." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 33, no. 5 (1995): 656-662. .. [Er00] Erdös, Paul. "Spiraling the earth with C. G. J. jacobi." American Journal of Physics 68, no. 10 (2000): 888-895. .. [Br09] Brizard, Alain J. "A primer on elliptic functions with applications in classical mechanics." European journal of physics 30, no. 4 (2009): 729. .. [SMR18] Speidel, Tobias, Patrick Metze, and Volker Rasche. "Efficient 3D Low-Discrepancy k-Space Sampling Using Highly Adaptable Seiffert Spirals." IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 38, no. 8 (2018): 1833-1840. .. [SB21] Stobbe, Robert W., and Christian Beaulieu. "Three‐dimensional Yarnball k‐space acquisition for accelerated MRI." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85, no. 4 (2021): 1840-1854. """ # Normalize ellipses integrations by the requested period spiral = np.zeros((1, Ns // (1 + in_out), 3)) period = 4 * ellipk(curve_index**2) times = np.linspace(0, nb_revolutions * period, Ns // (1 + in_out), endpoint=False) # Initialize first shot jacobi = ellipj(times, curve_index**2) spiral[0, :, 0] = jacobi[0] * np.cos(curve_index * times) spiral[0, :, 1] = jacobi[0] * np.sin(curve_index * times) spiral[0, :, 2] = jacobi[1] # Make it volumetric instead of just a sphere surface magnitudes = np.sqrt(np.linspace(0, 1, Ns // (1 + in_out))) spiral = magnitudes.reshape((1, -1, 1)) * spiral # Apply precession to the first spiral trajectory = precess( spiral, tilt=axis_tilt, nb_rotations=Nc, half_sphere=in_out, partition="axial", axis=None, ) # Tilt the spiral along its own axis for i in range(Nc): angle = i * initialize_tilt(spiral_tilt) rotation = Ra(trajectory[i, -1], angle).T trajectory[i] = trajectory[i] @ rotation # Handle in_out case if in_out: first_half_traj = np.copy(trajectory) first_half_traj = -first_half_traj[:, ::-1] trajectory = np.concatenate([first_half_traj, trajectory], axis=1) return KMAX * trajectory
############################### # SHELL-BASED 3D TRAJECTORIES # ###############################
[docs] def initialize_3D_helical_shells( Nc: int, Ns: int, nb_shells: int, spiral_reduction: float = 1, shell_tilt: str = "intergaps", shot_tilt: str = "uniform", ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D trajectories with helical shells. The implementation follows the proposition from [YRB06]_ but the idea can be traced back much further [IN95]_. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot nb_shells : int Number of concentric shells/spheres spiral_reduction : float, optional Factor used to reduce the automatic spiral length, by default 1 shell_tilt : str, float, optional Angle between consecutive shells along z-axis, by default "intergaps" shot_tilt : str, float, optional Angle between shots over a shell surface along z-axis, by default "uniform" Returns ------- NDArray 3D helical shell trajectory References ---------- .. [YRB06] Shu, Yunhong, Stephen J. Riederer, and Matt A. Bernstein. "Three‐dimensional MRI with an undersampled spherical shells trajectory." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 56, no. 3 (2006): 553-562. .. [IN95] Irarrazabal, Pablo, and Dwight G. Nishimura. "Fast three dimensional magnetic resonance imaging." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 33, no. 5 (1995): 656-662 """ # Check arguments validity if Nc < nb_shells: raise ValueError("Argument nb_shells should not be higher than Nc.") trajectory = np.zeros((Nc, Ns, 3)) # Attribute shots to shells following a prescribed density Nc_per_shell = np.ones(nb_shells).astype(int) density = np.arange(1, nb_shells + 1) ** 2 # simplified version for _ in range(Nc - nb_shells): idx = np.argmax(density / Nc_per_shell) Nc_per_shell[idx] += 1 # Create shells one by one count = 0 radii = (0.5 + np.arange(nb_shells)) / nb_shells for i in range(nb_shells): # Prepare shell parameters Ms = Nc_per_shell[i] k0 = radii[i] # Initialize first shot cylindrical coordinates kz = k0 * np.linspace(-1, 1, Ns) magnitudes = k0 * np.sqrt(1 - (kz / k0) ** 2) angles = ( np.sqrt(Ns / spiral_reduction * np.pi / Ms) * np.arcsin(kz / k0) + 2 * np.pi * (i + 1) / Ms ) # Format first shot into trajectory trajectory[count, :, 0] = magnitudes * np.cos(angles) trajectory[count, :, 1] = magnitudes * np.sin(angles) trajectory[count : count + Ms, :, 2] = kz[None] # Rotate first shot Ms times to create the shell rotation = Rz(initialize_tilt(shot_tilt, Ms)) for j in range(1, Ms): trajectory[count + j] = trajectory[count + j - 1] @ rotation # Apply shell tilt rotation = Rz(i * initialize_tilt(shell_tilt, nb_shells)) trajectory[count : count + Ms] = trajectory[count : count + Ms] @ rotation count += Ms return KMAX * trajectory
[docs] def initialize_3D_annular_shells( Nc: int, Ns: int, nb_shells: int, shell_tilt: float = np.pi, ring_tilt: float = np.pi / 2, ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D trajectories with annular shells. An exclusive trajectory inspired from the work proposed in [HM11]_. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot nb_shells : int Number of concentric shells/spheres shell_tilt : str, float, optional Angle between consecutive shells along z-axis, by default pi ring_tilt : str, float, optional Angle controlling approximately the ring halves rotation, by default pi / 2 Returns ------- NDArray 3D annular shell trajectory References ---------- .. [HM11] Gerlach, Henryk, and Heiko von der Mosel. "On sphere-filling ropes." The American Mathematical Monthly 118, no. 10 (2011): 863-876 """ # Check arguments validity if Nc < nb_shells: raise ValueError("Argument nb_shells should not be higher than Nc.") trajectory = np.zeros((Nc, Ns, 3)) # Attribute shots to shells following a prescribed density Nc_per_shell = np.ones(nb_shells).astype(int) shell_radii = (0.5 + np.arange(nb_shells)) / nb_shells density = np.arange(1, nb_shells + 1) ** 2 # simplified version for _ in range(Nc - nb_shells): idx = np.argmax(density / Nc_per_shell) Nc_per_shell[idx] += 1 # Create shells one by one count = 0 shell_radii = (0.5 + np.arange(nb_shells)) / nb_shells for i in range(nb_shells): # Prepare shell parameters Ms = Nc_per_shell[i] k0 = shell_radii[i] segment = (0.5 + np.arange(Ms)) / Ms - 0.5 ring_radii = np.cos(np.pi * segment) kz = np.sin(np.pi * segment) # Create rings shell = np.zeros((Ms, Ns, 3)) for j in range(Ms): radius = ring_radii[j] angles = 2 * np.pi * (np.arange(Ns) - Ns / 2) / Ns shell[j, :, 0] = k0 * radius * np.cos(angles) shell[j, :, 1] = k0 * radius * np.sin(angles) shell[j, :, 2] = k0 * kz[j] # Rotate rings halves rotation = Ry(initialize_tilt("uniform", Ms * 2)) ring_tilt = initialize_tilt(ring_tilt, Ms) power = int(np.around(ring_tilt / np.pi * Ms)) shell[:, Ns // 2 :] = shell[:, Ns // 2 :] @ nl.matrix_power(rotation, power) # Brute force re-ordering and reversing shell = shell.reshape((Ms * 2, Ns // 2, 3)) for j in range(2 * Ms - 1): traj_end = shell[j, -1] # Select closest half-shot excluding itself self_exclusion = np.zeros((2 * Ms, 1)) self_exclusion[j] = np.inf dist_forward = nl.norm(shell[:, 0] - traj_end + self_exclusion, axis=-1) dist_backward = nl.norm(shell[:, -1] - traj_end + self_exclusion, axis=-1) # Check if closest shot is reversed reverse_flag = False if np.min(dist_forward) < np.min(dist_backward): j_next = np.argmin(dist_forward) else: j_next = np.argmin(dist_backward) reverse_flag = True # If closest shot is already known, move on to the next continuous curve if j_next <= j: continue if reverse_flag: shell[j_next, :] = shell[j_next, ::-1] # Swap shots to place the closest in direct continuity shell_inter = np.copy(shell[j + 1]) shell[j + 1] = shell[j_next] shell[j_next] = shell_inter # Apply shell tilt rotation = Rz(i * initialize_tilt(shell_tilt, nb_shells)) shell = shell.reshape((Ms, Ns, 3)) shell = shell @ rotation # Reformat shots to trajectory and iterate trajectory[count : count + Ms] = shell count += Ms return KMAX * trajectory
[docs] def initialize_3D_seiffert_shells( Nc: int, Ns: int, nb_shells: int, curve_index: float = 0.5, nb_revolutions: float = 1, shell_tilt: str = "uniform", shot_tilt: str = "uniform", ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D trajectories with Seiffert shells. The implementation is based on work from [Er00]_ and [Br09]_, using Jacobi elliptic functions to define Seiffert spirals over shell/sphere surfaces. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot nb_shells : int Number of concentric shells/spheres curve_index : float Index controlling curve from 0 (flat) to 1 (curvy), by default 0.5 nb_revolutions : float Number of revolutions, i.e. times the curve passes through the upper-half of the z-axis, by default 1 shell_tilt : str, float, optional Angle between consecutive shells along z-axis, by default "uniform" shot_tilt : str, float, optional Angle between shots over a shell surface along z-axis, by default "uniform" Returns ------- NDArray 3D Seiffert shell trajectory References ---------- .. [IN95] Irarrazabal, Pablo, and Dwight G. Nishimura. "Fast three dimensional magnetic resonance imaging." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 33, no. 5 (1995): 656-662. .. [Er00] Erdös, Paul. "Spiraling the earth with C. G. J. jacobi." American Journal of Physics 68, no. 10 (2000): 888-895. .. [Br09] Brizard, Alain J. "A primer on elliptic functions with applications in classical mechanics." European journal of physics 30, no. 4 (2009): 729. """ # Check arguments validity if Nc < nb_shells: raise ValueError("Argument nb_shells should not be higher than Nc.") trajectory = np.zeros((Nc, Ns, 3)) # Attribute shots to shells following a prescribed density Nc_per_shell = np.ones(nb_shells).astype(int) density = np.arange(1, nb_shells + 1) ** 2 # simplified version for _ in range(Nc - nb_shells): idx = np.argmax(density / Nc_per_shell) Nc_per_shell[idx] += 1 # Normalize ellipses integrations by the requested period period = 4 * ellipk(curve_index**2) times = np.linspace(0, nb_revolutions * period, Ns, endpoint=False) # Create shells one by one count = 0 radii = (0.5 + np.arange(nb_shells)) / nb_shells for i in range(nb_shells): # Prepare shell parameters Ms = Nc_per_shell[i] k0 = radii[i] # Initialize first shot jacobi = ellipj(times, curve_index**2) trajectory[count, :, 0] = k0 * jacobi[0] * np.cos(curve_index * times) trajectory[count, :, 1] = k0 * jacobi[0] * np.sin(curve_index * times) trajectory[count, :, 2] = k0 * jacobi[1] # Rotate first shot Ms times to create the shell rotation = Rz(initialize_tilt(shot_tilt, Ms)) for j in range(1, Ms): trajectory[count + j] = trajectory[count + j - 1] @ rotation # Apply shell tilt rotation = Rz(i * initialize_tilt(shell_tilt, nb_shells)) trajectory[count : count + Ms] = trajectory[count : count + Ms] @ rotation count += Ms return KMAX * trajectory
##################### # fMRI TRAJECTORIES # #####################
[docs] def initialize_3D_turbine( Nc: int, Ns_readouts: int, Ns_transitions: int, nb_blades: int, blade_tilt: str = "uniform", nb_trains: int | Literal["auto"] = "auto", skip_factor: int = 1, in_out: bool = True, ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D TURBINE trajectory. This is an implementation of the TURBINE (Trajectory Using Radially Batched Internal Navigator Echoes) trajectory proposed in [MGM10]_. It consists of EPI-like multi-echo planes rotated around any axis (here :math:`k_z`-axis) in a radial fashion. Note that our implementation also proposes to segment the planes into several shots instead of just one, and includes the proposition from [GMC22]_ to also accelerate within the blades by skipping lines but while alternating them between blades. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns_readouts : int Number of samples per readout Ns_transitions : int Number of samples per transition between two readouts nb_blades : int Number of line stacks over the :math:`k_z`-axis axis blade_tilt : str, float, optional Tilt between individual blades, by default "uniform" nb_trains : int, Literal["auto"], optional Number of resulting shots, or readout trains, such that each of them will be composed of :math:`n` readouts with ``Nc = n * nb_trains``. If ``"auto"`` then ``nb_trains`` is set to ``nb_blades``. skip_factor : int, optional Factor defining the way different blades alternate to skip lines, forming groups of `skip_factor` non-redundant blades. in_out : bool, optional Whether the curves are going in-and-out or start from the center Returns ------- NDArray 3D TURBINE trajectory References ---------- .. [MGM10] McNab, Jennifer A., Daniel Gallichan, and Karla L. Miller. "3D steady‐state diffusion‐weighted imaging with trajectory using radially batched internal navigator echoes (TURBINE)." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63, no. 1 (2010): 235-242. .. [GMC22] Graedel, Nadine N., Karla L. Miller, and Mark Chiew. "Ultrahigh resolution fMRI at 7T using radial‐cartesian TURBINE sampling." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 88, no. 5 (2022): 2058-2073. """ # Assess arguments validity if nb_trains == "auto": nb_trains = nb_blades if not isinstance(skip_factor, int): raise ValueError("`skip_factor` must be an integer.") if Nc % nb_blades != 0: raise ValueError("`nb_blades` should divide `Nc`.") if Nc % nb_trains != 0: raise ValueError("`nb_trains` should divide `Nc`.") if nb_trains and (Nc % nb_trains != 0): raise ValueError("`nb_trains` should divide `Nc`.") nb_shot_per_blade = Nc // nb_blades # Initialize the first shot of each blade on a plane single_plane = initialize_2D_radial( nb_blades, Ns_readouts, in_out=in_out, tilt=blade_tilt ) # Stack the blades first shots with tilt to create each full blade trajectory = stack(single_plane, nb_shot_per_blade * skip_factor, z_tilt=0) # Re-order the shot to be EPI-compatible trajectory = trajectory.reshape( (nb_shot_per_blade * skip_factor, nb_blades, Ns_readouts, 3) ) trajectory = np.swapaxes(trajectory, 0, 1) trajectory = trajectory.reshape((Nc * skip_factor, Ns_readouts, 3)) # Skip lines but alternate which ones between blades skip_mask = ( np.arange(nb_blades)[:, None] + np.arange(nb_shot_per_blade * skip_factor)[None, :] ) skip_mask = ((skip_mask % skip_factor) == 0).astype(bool).flatten() trajectory = trajectory[skip_mask] # Merge shots into EPI-like multi-readout trains if nb_trains and nb_trains != Nc: trajectory = epify( trajectory, Ns_transitions=Ns_transitions, nb_trains=nb_trains, reverse_odd_shots=True, ) return trajectory
[docs] def initialize_3D_repi( Nc: int, Ns_readouts: int, Ns_transitions: int, nb_blades: int, nb_blade_revolutions: float = 0, blade_tilt: str = "uniform", nb_spiral_revolutions: float = 0, spiral: str = "archimedes", nb_trains: int | Literal["auto"] = "auto", in_out: bool = True, ) -> NDArray: """Initialize 3D REPI trajectory. This is an implementation of the REPI (Radial Echo Planar Imaging) trajectory proposed in [RMS22]_ and officially inspired from TURBINE proposed in [MGM10]_. It consists of multi-echo stacks of lines or spirals rotated around any axis (here :math:`k_z`-axis) in a radial fashion, but each stack is also slightly shifted along the rotation axis in order to be entangled with the others without redundancy. This feature is similar to choosing ``skip_factor`` equal to ``nb_blades`` in TURBINE. Note that our implementation also proposes to segment the planes/stacks into several shots, instead of just one. Spirals can also be customized beyond the classic Archimedean spiral. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns_readouts : int Number of samples per readout Ns_transitions : int Number of samples per transition between two readouts nb_blades : int Number of line stacks over the kz axis nb_blade_revolutions : float Number of revolutions over lines/spirals within a blade over the kz axis. blade_tilt : str, float, optional Tilt between individual blades, by default "uniform" nb_spiral_revolutions : float, optional Number of revolutions of the spirals over the readouts, by default 0 spiral : str, float, optional Spiral type, by default "archimedes" nb_trains : int, Literal["auto"], optional Number of trains dividing the readouts, such that each shot will be composed of `n` readouts with `Nc = n * nb_trains`. If "auto" then `nb_trains` is set to `nb_blades`. in_out : bool, optional Whether the curves are going in-and-out or start from the center Returns ------- NDArray 3D REPI trajectory References ---------- .. [RMS22] Rettenmeier, Christoph A., Danilo Maziero, and V. Andrew Stenger. "Three dimensional radial echo planar imaging for functional MRI." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 87, no. 1 (2022): 193-206. """ # Assess arguments validity if nb_trains == "auto": nb_trains = nb_blades if Nc % nb_blades != 0: raise ValueError("`nb_blades` should divide `Nc`.") if Nc % nb_trains != 0: raise ValueError("`nb_trains` should divide `Nc`.") if nb_trains % nb_blades != 0: raise ValueError("`nb_trains` should divide `nb_blades`.") nb_shot_per_blade = Nc // nb_blades nb_spiral_revolutions = max(nb_spiral_revolutions, 1e-5) # Initialize trajectory as a stack of single shots single_shot = initialize_2D_spiral( 1, Ns_readouts, in_out=in_out, tilt=0, nb_revolutions=nb_spiral_revolutions ) shot_tilt = 2 * np.pi * nb_blade_revolutions / Nc trajectory = stack(single_shot, Nc, z_tilt=shot_tilt) # Rotate some shots to separate the blades for i_b in range(nb_blades): rotation = R2D( i_b * initialize_tilt(blade_tilt, nb_partitions=nb_blades) / (1 + in_out) ).T trajectory[i_b::nb_blades, ..., :2] = ( trajectory[i_b::nb_blades, ..., :2] @ rotation ) # Re-order the shot to be EPI-compatible trajectory = trajectory.reshape((nb_shot_per_blade, nb_blades, Ns_readouts, 3)) trajectory = np.swapaxes(trajectory, 0, 1) trajectory = trajectory.reshape((Nc, Ns_readouts, 3)) # Merge shots into EPI-like multi-readout trains if nb_trains and nb_trains != Nc: trajectory = epify( trajectory, Ns_transitions=Ns_transitions, nb_trains=nb_trains, reverse_odd_shots=True, ) return trajectory