

mrinufft.trajectories.sampling.sample_from_density(nb_samples, density, method='random', *, dim_compensation='auto')[source]#

Sample points based on a given density distribution.

  • nb_samples (int) – The number of samples to draw.

  • density (NDArray) – An array representing the density distribution from which samples are drawn, normalized automatically by its sum during the call for convenience.

  • method (Literal["random", "lloyd"], optional) – The sampling method to use, either ‘random’ for random sampling over the discrete grid defined by the density or ‘lloyd’ for Lloyd’s algorithm over a continuous space, by default “random”.

  • dim_compensation (Literal["auto"], bool, optional) – Whether to apply a specific dimensionality compensation introduced in [Cha+14]. An exponent N/(N-1) with N the number of dimensions in density is applied to fix the observed density expectation when set to "auto" and method="lloyd". It is also relevant to set it to True when method="random" and one wants to create binary masks with continuous paths between drawn samples.


An array of range-normalized sampled locations.

Return type:



ValueError – If nb_samples exceeds the total size of the density array or if the specified method is unknown.



Chauffert, Nicolas, Philippe Ciuciu, Jonas Kahn, and Pierre Weiss. “Variable density sampling with continuous trajectories” SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7, no. 4 (2014): 1962-1992.