"""Sampling densities and methods."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal
import pywt as pw
import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as nf
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
from .utils import KMAX
def sample_from_density(
nb_samples: int,
density: NDArray,
method: Literal["random", "lloyd"] = "random",
dim_compensation: Literal["auto"] | bool = "auto",
) -> NDArray:
Sample points based on a given density distribution.
nb_samples : int
The number of samples to draw.
density : NDArray
An array representing the density distribution from which samples are drawn,
normalized automatically by its sum during the call for convenience.
method : Literal["random", "lloyd"], optional
The sampling method to use, either 'random' for random sampling over
the discrete grid defined by the density or 'lloyd' for Lloyd's
algorithm over a continuous space, by default "random".
dim_compensation : Literal["auto"], bool, optional
Whether to apply a specific dimensionality compensation introduced
in [Cha+14]_. An exponent ``N/(N-1)`` with ``N`` the number of
dimensions in ``density`` is applied to fix the observed
density expectation when set to ``"auto"`` and ``method="lloyd"``.
It is also relevant to set it to ``True`` when ``method="random"``
and one wants to create binary masks with continuous paths between
drawn samples.
An array of range-normalized sampled locations.
If ``nb_samples`` exceeds the total size of the density array or if the
specified ``method`` is unknown.
.. [Cha+14] Chauffert, Nicolas, Philippe Ciuciu,
Jonas Kahn, and Pierre Weiss.
"Variable density sampling with continuous trajectories"
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7, no. 4 (2014): 1962-1992.
from sklearn.cluster import BisectingKMeans, KMeans
except ImportError as err:
raise ImportError(
"The scikit-learn module is not available. Please install "
"it along with the [extra] dependencies "
"or using `pip install scikit-learn`."
) from err
# Define dimension variables
shape = density.shape
nb_dims = len(shape)
max_nb_samples = np.prod(shape)
density = density / np.sum(density)
if nb_samples > max_nb_samples:
raise ValueError("`nb_samples` must be lower than the size of `density`.")
# Check for dimensionality compensation
if isinstance(dim_compensation, str) and dim_compensation != "auto":
raise ValueError(f"Unknown string {dim_compensation} for `dim_compensation`.")
if (dim_compensation == "auto" and method == "lloyd") or (
isinstance(dim_compensation, bool) and dim_compensation
density = density ** (nb_dims / (nb_dims - 1))
density = density / np.sum(density)
# Sample using specified method
rng = np.random.default_rng()
if method == "random":
choices = rng.choice(
locations = np.indices(shape).reshape((nb_dims, -1))[:, choices]
locations = locations.T + 0.5
locations = locations / np.array(shape)[None, :]
locations = 2 * KMAX * locations - KMAX
elif method == "lloyd":
kmeans = (
if nb_dims <= 2
else BisectingKMeans(n_clusters=nb_samples)
np.indices(shape).reshape((nb_dims, -1)).T,
locations = kmeans.cluster_centers_ - np.array(shape) / 2
locations = KMAX * locations / np.max(np.abs(locations))
raise ValueError(f"Unknown sampling method {method}.")
return locations
def create_cutoff_decay_density(
shape: tuple[int, ...],
cutoff: float,
decay: float,
resolution: NDArray | None = None,
) -> NDArray:
Create a density with central plateau and polynomial decay.
Create a density composed of a central constant-value ellipsis
defined by a cutoff ratio, followed by a polynomial decay over
outer regions as defined in [Cha+22]_.
shape : tuple[int, ...]
The shape of the density grid, analog to the field-of-view
as opposed to ``resolution`` below.
cutoff : float
The ratio of the largest k-space dimension between 0
and 1 within which density remains uniform and beyond which it decays.
decay : float
The polynomial decay in density beyond the cutoff ratio.
resolution : NDArray, optional
Resolution scaling factors for each dimension of the density grid,
by default ``None``.
A density array with values decaying based on the specified
cutoff ratio and decay rate.
.. [Cha+22] Chaithya, G. R., Pierre Weiss, Guillaume Daval-Frérot,
Aurélien Massire, Alexandre Vignaud, and Philippe Ciuciu.
"Optimizing full 3D SPARKLING trajectories for high-resolution
magnetic resonance imaging."
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 41, no. 8 (2022): 2105-2117.
nb_dims = len(shape)
if not resolution:
resolution = np.ones(nb_dims)
differences = np.indices(shape).astype(float)
for i in range(nb_dims):
differences[i] = differences[i] + 0.5 - shape[i] / 2
differences[i] = differences[i] / shape[i] / resolution[i]
distances = np.linalg.norm(differences, axis=0)
cutoff = cutoff * np.max(differences) if cutoff else np.min(differences)
density = np.ones(shape)
decay_mask = np.where(distances > cutoff, True, False)
density[decay_mask] = (cutoff / distances[decay_mask]) ** decay
density = density / np.sum(density)
return density
def create_polynomial_density(
shape: tuple[int, ...], decay: float, resolution: NDArray | None = None
) -> NDArray:
Create a density with polynomial decay from the center.
shape : tuple of int
The shape of the density grid.
decay : float
The exponent that controls the rate of decay for density.
resolution : NDArray, optional
Resolution scaling factors for each dimension of the density grid,
by default None.
A density array with polynomial decay.
return create_cutoff_decay_density(
shape, cutoff=0, decay=decay, resolution=resolution
def create_energy_density(dataset: NDArray) -> NDArray:
Create a density based on energy in the Fourier spectrum.
A density is made based on the average energy in the Fourier domain
of volumes from a target image dataset.
dataset : NDArray
The dataset from which to calculate the density
based on its Fourier transform, with an expected
shape (nb_volumes, dim_1, ..., dim_N).
An N-dimensional Fourier transform is performed.
A density array derived from the mean energy in the Fourier
domain of the input dataset.
nb_dims = len(dataset.shape) - 1
axes = range(1, nb_dims + 1)
kspace = nf.fftshift(nf.fftn(nf.fftshift(dataset, axes=axes), axes=axes), axes=axes)
energy = np.mean(np.abs(kspace), axis=0)
density = energy / np.sum(energy)
return density
def create_chauffert_density(
shape: tuple[int, ...],
wavelet_basis: str | pw.Wavelet,
nb_wavelet_scales: int,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> NDArray:
"""Create a density based on Chauffert's method.
This is a reproduction of the proposition from [CCW13]_.
A sampling density is derived from compressed sensing
equations to maximize guarantees of exact image recovery
for a specified sparse wavelet domain decomposition.
shape : tuple[int, ...]
The shape of the density grid.
wavelet_basis : str, pywt.Wavelet
The wavelet basis to use for wavelet decomposition, either
as a built-in wavelet name from the PyWavelets package
or as a custom ``pywt.Wavelet`` object.
nb_wavelet_scales : int
The number of wavelet scales to use in decomposition.
verbose : bool, optional
If ``True``, displays a progress bar. Default to ``False``.
A density array created based on wavelet transform coefficients.
See Also
pywt.wavelist : A list of wavelet decompositions available in the
PyWavelets package used inside the function.
pywt.Wavelet : A wavelet object accepted to generate Chauffert densities.
.. [CCW13] Chauffert, Nicolas, Philippe Ciuciu, and Pierre Weiss.
"Variable density compressed sensing in MRI.
Theoretical vs heuristic sampling strategies."
In 2013 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,
pp. 298-301. IEEE, 2013.
import pywt as pw
except ImportError as err:
raise ImportError(
"The PyWavelets module is not available. Please install "
"it along with the [extra] dependencies "
"or using `pip install pywavelets`."
) from err
nb_dims = len(shape)
indices = np.indices(shape).reshape((nb_dims, -1)).T
density = np.zeros(shape)
unit_vector = np.zeros(shape)
for ids in tqdm(indices, disable=not verbose):
ids = tuple(ids)
unit_vector[ids] = 1
fourier_vector = nf.ifftn(unit_vector)
coeffs = pw.wavedecn(
fourier_vector, wavelet=wavelet_basis, level=nb_wavelet_scales
coeffs, _ = pw.coeffs_to_array(coeffs)
density[ids] = np.max(np.abs(coeffs)) ** 2
unit_vector[ids] = 0
density = density / np.sum(density)
return nf.ifftshift(density)
def create_fast_chauffert_density(
shape: tuple[int, ...],
wavelet_basis: str | pw.Wavelet,
nb_wavelet_scales: int,
) -> NDArray:
"""Create a density based on an approximated Chauffert method.
This implementation is based on this
tutorial: https://github.com/philouc/mri_acq_recon_tutorial.
It is a fast approximation of the proposition from [CCW13]_,
where a sampling density is derived from compressed sensing
equations to maximize guarantees of exact image recovery
for a specified sparse wavelet domain decomposition.
In this approximation, the decomposition dimensions are
considered independent and computed separately to accelerate
the density generation.
shape : tuple[int, ...]
The shape of the density grid.
wavelet_basis : str, pywt.Wavelet
The wavelet basis to use for wavelet decomposition, either
as a built-in wavelet name from the PyWavelets package
or as a custom ``pywt.Wavelet`` object.
nb_wavelet_scales : int
The number of wavelet scales to use in decomposition.
A density array created using a faster approximation
based on 1D projections of the wavelet transform.
See Also
pywt.wavelist : A list of wavelet decompositions available in the
PyWavelets package used inside the function.
pywt.Wavelet : A wavelet object accepted to generate Chauffert densities.
.. [CCW13] Chauffert, Nicolas, Philippe Ciuciu, and Pierre Weiss.
"Variable density compressed sensing in MRI.
Theoretical vs heuristic sampling strategies."
In 2013 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,
pp. 298-301. IEEE, 2013.
import pywt as pw
except ImportError as err:
raise ImportError(
"The PyWavelets module is not available. Please install "
"it along with the [extra] dependencies "
"or using `pip install pywavelets`."
) from err
nb_dims = len(shape)
density = np.ones(shape)
for k, s in enumerate(shape):
unit_vector = np.zeros(s)
density_1d = np.zeros(s)
for i in range(s):
unit_vector[i] = 1
fourier_vector = nf.ifft(unit_vector)
coeffs = pw.wavedec(
fourier_vector, wavelet=wavelet_basis, level=nb_wavelet_scales
coeffs, _ = pw.coeffs_to_array(coeffs)
density_1d[i] = np.max(np.abs(coeffs)) ** 2
unit_vector[i] = 0
reshape = np.ones(nb_dims).astype(int)
reshape[k] = s
density_1d = density_1d.reshape(reshape)
density = density * density_1d
density = density / np.sum(density)
return nf.ifftshift(density)