Source code for mrinufft.extras.smaps

"""SMaps module for sensitivity maps estimation."""

from __future__ import annotations

from mrinufft.density.utils import flat_traj
from mrinufft._utils import get_array_module
from .utils import register_smaps
import numpy as np

def _extract_kspace_center(
    r"""Extract k-space center and corresponding sampling locations.

    The extracted center of the k-space, i.e. both the kspace locations and
    kspace values. If the density compensators are passed, the corresponding
    compensators for the center of k-space data will also be returned. The
    return dtypes for density compensation and kspace data is same as input

    kspace_data: numpy.ndarray
        The value of the samples
    kspace_loc: numpy.ndarray
        The samples location in the k-space domain (between [-0.5, 0.5[)
    threshold: tuple or float
        The threshold used to extract the k_space center (between (0, 1])
    window_fun: "Hann", "Hanning", "Hamming", or a callable, default None.
        The window function to apply to the selected data. It is computed with
        the center locations selected. Only works with circular mask.
        If window_fun is a callable, it takes as input the array (n_samples x n_dims)
        of sample positions and returns an array of n_samples weights to be
        applied to the selected k-space values, before the smaps estimation.

    data_thresholded: ndarray
        The k-space values in the center region.
    center_loc: ndarray
        The locations in the center region.
    density_comp: ndarray, optional
        The density compensation weights (if requested)

    The Hann (or Hanning) and Hamming windows  of width :math:`2\theta` are defined as:
    .. math::

    w(x,y) = a_0 - (1-a_0) * \cos(\pi * \sqrt{x^2+y^2}/\theta),
    \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \le \theta

    In the case of Hann window :math:`a_0=0.5`.
    For Hamming window we consider the optimal value in the equiripple sense:
    .. Wikipedia::

    xp = get_array_module(kspace_data)
    if isinstance(threshold, float):
        threshold = (threshold,) * kspace_loc.shape[1]

    if window_fun == "rect":
        data_ordered = xp.copy(kspace_data)
        index = xp.linspace(
            0, kspace_loc.shape[0] - 1, kspace_loc.shape[0], dtype=xp.int64
        condition = xp.logical_and.reduce(
                xp.abs(kspace_loc[:, i]) <= threshold[i] for i in range(len(threshold))
        index = xp.extract(condition, index)
        center_locations = kspace_loc[index, :]
        data_thresholded = data_ordered[:, index]
        dc = density[index]
        return data_thresholded, center_locations, dc
        if callable(window_fun):
            window = window_fun(center_locations)
            if window_fun in ["hann", "hanning", "hamming"]:
                radius = xp.linalg.norm(kspace_loc, axis=1)
                a_0 = 0.5 if window_fun in ["hann", "hanning"] else 0.53836
                window = a_0 + (1 - a_0) * xp.cos(xp.pi * radius / threshold)
            elif window_fun == "ellipse":
                window = xp.sum(kspace_loc**2 / xp.asarray(threshold) ** 2, axis=1) <= 1
                raise ValueError("Unsupported window function.")
        data_thresholded = window * kspace_data
        # Return k-space locations & density just for consistency
        return data_thresholded, kspace_loc, density

[docs] @register_smaps @flat_traj def low_frequency( traj, shape, kspace_data, backend, threshold: float | tuple[float, ...] = 0.1, density=None, window_fun: str = "ellipse", blurr_factor: int | float | tuple[float, ...] = 0.0, mask: bool = False, ): """ Calculate low-frequency sensitivity maps. Parameters ---------- traj : numpy.ndarray The trajectory of the samples. shape : tuple The shape of the image. kspace_data : numpy.ndarray The k-space data. threshold : float, or tuple of float, optional The threshold used for extracting the k-space center. By default it is 0.1 backend : str The backend used for the operator. density : numpy.ndarray, optional The density compensation weights. window_fun: "Hann", "Hanning", "Hamming", or a callable, default None. The window function to apply to the selected data. It is computed with the center locations selected. Only works with circular mask. If window_fun is a callable, it takes as input the array (n_samples x n_dims) of sample positions and returns an array of n_samples weights to be applied to the selected k-space values, before the smaps estimation. blurr_factor : float or list, optional The blurring factor for smoothing the sensitivity maps. Applies a gaussian filter on the Smap images to get smoother Sensitivty maps. By default it is 0.0, i.e. no smoothing is done mask: bool, optional default `False` Whether the Sensitivity maps must be masked Returns ------- Smaps : numpy.ndarray The low-frequency sensitivity maps. SOS : numpy.ndarray The sum of squares of the sensitivity maps. """ # defer import to later to prevent circular import from mrinufft import get_operator try: from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu, gaussian from skimage.morphology import convex_hull_image except ImportError as err: raise ImportError( "The scikit-image module is not available. Please install " "it along with the [extra] dependencies " "or using `pip install scikit-image`." ) from err k_space, samples, dc = _extract_kspace_center( kspace_data=kspace_data, kspace_loc=traj, threshold=threshold, density=density, window_fun=window_fun, ) smaps_adj_op = get_operator(backend)( samples, shape, density=dc, n_coils=k_space.shape[-2] ) Smaps = smaps_adj_op.adj_op(k_space) SOS = np.linalg.norm(Smaps, axis=0) if mask: thresh = threshold_otsu(SOS) # Create convex hull from mask convex_hull = convex_hull_image(SOS > thresh) Smaps = Smaps * convex_hull # Smooth out the sensitivity maps if np.sum(blurr_factor) > 0: if isinstance(blurr_factor, (float, int)): blurr_factor = (blurr_factor,) * SOS.ndim Smaps = gaussian(np.abs(Smaps), sigma=(0,) + blurr_factor) * np.exp( 1j * np.angle(Smaps) ) # Re-normalize the sensitivity maps if mask or np.sum(blurr_factor) > 0: # ReCalculate SOS with a minor eps to ensure divide by 0 is ok SOS = np.linalg.norm(Smaps, axis=0) + 1e-10 Smaps = Smaps / SOS return Smaps, SOS