Source code for mrinufft.trajectories.utils

"""Utility functions in general."""

from enum import Enum, EnumMeta
from numbers import Real
from typing import Any, Literal

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray


KMAX = 0.5

DEFAULT_RESOLUTION = 6e-4  # m, i.e. 0.6 mm isotropic

DEFAULT_GMAX = 0.04  # T/m
DEFAULT_SMAX = 0.1  # T/m/ms


[docs] class CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta(EnumMeta): """A case-insensitive EnumMeta.""" def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Enum: """Allow ``MyEnum['Member'] == MyEnum['MEMBER']`` .""" return super().__getitem__(name.upper()) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: # noqa ANN401 """Allow ``MyEnum.Member == MyEnum.MEMBER`` .""" return super().__getattr__(name.upper())
[docs] class FloatEnum(float, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """An Enum for float that is case insensitive for ist attributes.""" pass
[docs] class StrEnum(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """An Enum for str that is case insensitive for its attributes.""" pass
[docs] class Gammas(FloatEnum): """Enumerate gyromagnetic ratios for common nuclei in MR.""" # Values in kHz/T HYDROGEN = 42576 HELIUM = 32434 CARBON = 10708 OXYGEN = 5772 FLUORINE = 40078 SODIUM = 11262 PHOSPHOROUS = 17235 XENON = 11777 # Aliases H = H1 = PROTON = HYDROGEN He = He3 = HELIUM C = C13 = CARBON O = O17 = OXYGEN # noqa: E741 F = F19 = FLUORINE Na = Na23 = SODIUM P = P31 = PHOSPHOROUS X = X129 = XENON
[docs] class Spirals(FloatEnum): """Enumerate algebraic spiral types.""" ARCHIMEDES = 1 ARITHMETIC = ARCHIMEDES GALILEAN = 2 GALILEO = GALILEAN FERMAT = 0.5 PARABOLIC = FERMAT HYPERBOLIC = -1 LITHUUS = -0.5
[docs] class NormShapes(FloatEnum): """Enumerate shape norms.""" L1 = 1 L2 = 2 LINF = np.inf SQUARE = LINF CUBE = LINF CIRCLE = L2 SPHERE = L2 DIAMOND = L1 OCTAHEDRON = L1
[docs] class Tilts(StrEnum): r"""Enumerate available tilts. Notes ----- The following values are accepted for the tilt name, with :math:`N` the number of partitions: - "none": no tilt - "uniform": uniform tilt: 2:math:`\pi / N` - "intergaps": :math:`\pi/2N` - "inverted": inverted tilt :math:`\pi/N + \pi` - "golden": tilt of the golden angle :math:`\pi(3-\sqrt{5})` - "mri golden": tilt of the golden angle used in MRI :math:`\pi(\sqrt{5}-1)/2` """ UNIFORM = "uniform" NONE = "none" INTERGAPS = "intergaps" INVERTED = "inverted" GOLDEN = "golden" MRI_GOLDEN = "mri-golden" MRI = MRI_GOLDEN
[docs] class Packings(StrEnum): """Enumerate available packing method for shots. It is mostly used for wave-CAIPI trajectory See Also -------- mrinufft.trajectories.trajectories3D.initialize_3D_wave_caipi """ RANDOM = "random" CIRCLE = "circle" TRIANGLE = "triangle" HEXAGON = "hexagon" SQUARE = "square" FIBONACCI = "fibonacci" # Aliases CIRCULAR = CIRCLE TRIANGULAR = TRIANGLE HEXAGONAL = HEXAGON UNIFORM = RANDOM SPIRAL = FIBONACCI
############################# # Variable Density Sampling # #############################
[docs] class VDSorder(StrEnum): """Available ordering for variable density sampling.""" CENTER_OUT = "center-out" RANDOM = "random" TOP_DOWN = "top-down"
[docs] class VDSpdf(StrEnum): """Available law for variable density sampling.""" GAUSSIAN = "gaussian" UNIFORM = "uniform" EQUISPACED = "equispaced"
############### # CONSTRAINTS # ###############
[docs] def normalize_trajectory( trajectory: NDArray, norm_factor: float = KMAX, resolution: float | NDArray = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, ) -> NDArray: """Normalize an un-normalized/natural trajectory for NUFFT use. Parameters ---------- trajectory : NDArray Un-normalized trajectory consisting of k-space coordinates in 2D or 3D. norm_factor : float, optional Trajectory normalization factor, by default KMAX. resolution : float, np.array, optional Resolution of MR image in meters, isotropic as `int` or anisotropic as `np.array`. The default is DEFAULT_RESOLUTION. Returns ------- trajectory : NDArray Normalized trajectory corresponding to `trajectory` input. """ return trajectory * norm_factor * (2 * resolution)
[docs] def unnormalize_trajectory( trajectory: NDArray, norm_factor: float = KMAX, resolution: float | NDArray = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, ) -> NDArray: """Un-normalize a NUFFT-normalized trajectory. Parameters ---------- trajectory : NDArray Normalized trajectory consisting of k-space coordinates in 2D or 3D. norm_factor : float, optional Trajectory normalization factor, by default KMAX. resolution : float, np.array, optional Resolution of MR image in meters, isotropic as `int` or anisotropic as `np.array`. The default is DEFAULT_RESOLUTION. Returns ------- trajectory : NDArray Un-normalized trajectory corresponding to `trajectory` input. """ return trajectory / norm_factor / (2 * resolution)
[docs] def convert_trajectory_to_gradients( trajectory: NDArray, norm_factor: float = KMAX, resolution: float | NDArray = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, raster_time: float = DEFAULT_RASTER_TIME, gamma: float = Gammas.HYDROGEN, get_final_positions: bool = False, ) -> tuple[NDArray, ...]: """Derive a normalized trajectory over time to provide gradients. Parameters ---------- trajectory : NDArray Normalized trajectory consisting of k-space coordinates in 2D or 3D. norm_factor : float, optional Trajectory normalization factor, by default KMAX. resolution : float, np.array, optional Resolution of MR image in meters, isotropic as `int` or anisotropic as `np.array`. The default is DEFAULT_RESOLUTION. raster_time : float, optional Amount of time between the acquisition of two consecutive samples in ms. The default is `DEFAULT_RASTER_TIME`. gamma : float, optional Gyromagnetic ratio of the selected nucleus in kHz/T The default is Gammas.HYDROGEN. get_final_positions : bool, optional If `True`, return the final positions in k-space. The default is `False`. Returns ------- gradients : NDArray Gradients corresponding to `trajectory`. """ # Un-normalize the trajectory from NUFFT usage trajectory = unnormalize_trajectory(trajectory, norm_factor, resolution) # Compute gradients and starting positions gradients = np.diff(trajectory, axis=1) / gamma / raster_time initial_positions = trajectory[:, 0, :] if get_final_positions: return gradients, initial_positions, trajectory[:, -1, :] return gradients, initial_positions
[docs] def convert_gradients_to_trajectory( gradients: NDArray, initial_positions: NDArray | None = None, norm_factor: float = KMAX, resolution: float | NDArray = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, raster_time: float = DEFAULT_RASTER_TIME, gamma: float = Gammas.HYDROGEN, ) -> NDArray: """Integrate gradients over time to provide a normalized trajectory. Parameters ---------- gradients : NDArray Gradients over 2 or 3 directions. initial_positions: NDArray, optional Positions in k-space at the beginning of the readout window. The default is `None`. norm_factor : float, optional Trajectory normalization factor, by default KMAX. resolution : float, np.array, optional Resolution of MR image in meters, isotropic as `int` or anisotropic as `np.array`. The default is DEFAULT_RESOLUTION. raster_time : float, optional Amount of time between the acquisition of two consecutive samples in ms. The default is `DEFAULT_RASTER_TIME`. gamma : float, optional Gyromagnetic ratio of the selected nucleus in kHz/T The default is Gammas.HYDROGEN. Returns ------- trajectory : NDArray Normalized trajectory corresponding to `gradients`. """ # Handle no initial positions if initial_positions is None: initial_positions = np.zeros((gradients.shape[0], 1, gradients.shape[-1])) # Prepare and integrate gradients trajectory = gradients * gamma * raster_time trajectory = np.concatenate([initial_positions[:, None, :], trajectory], axis=1) trajectory = np.cumsum(trajectory, axis=1) # Normalize the trajectory for NUFFT usage trajectory = normalize_trajectory(trajectory, norm_factor, resolution) return trajectory
[docs] def convert_gradients_to_slew_rates( gradients: NDArray, raster_time: float = DEFAULT_RASTER_TIME, ) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: """Derive the gradients over time to provide slew rates. Parameters ---------- gradients : NDArray Gradients over 2 or 3 directions. raster_time : float, optional Amount of time between the acquisition of two consecutive samples in ms. The default is `DEFAULT_RASTER_TIME`. Returns ------- slewrates : NDArray Slew rates corresponding to `gradients`. initial_gradients : NDArray Gradients at the beginning of the readout window. """ # Compute slew rates and starting gradients slewrates = np.diff(gradients, axis=1) / raster_time initial_gradients = gradients[:, 0, :] return slewrates, initial_gradients
[docs] def convert_slew_rates_to_gradients( slewrates: NDArray, initial_gradients: NDArray | None = None, raster_time: float = DEFAULT_RASTER_TIME, ) -> NDArray: """Integrate slew rates over time to provide gradients. Parameters ---------- slewrates : NDArray Slew rates over 2 or 3 directions. initial_gradients: NDArray, optional Gradients at the beginning of the readout window. The default is `None`. raster_time : float, optional Amount of time between the acquisition of two consecutive samples in ms. The default is `DEFAULT_RASTER_TIME`. Returns ------- gradients : NDArray Gradients corresponding to `slewrates`. """ # Handle no initial gradients if initial_gradients is None: initial_gradients = np.zeros((slewrates.shape[0], 1, slewrates.shape[-1])) # Prepare and integrate slew rates gradients = slewrates * raster_time gradients = np.concatenate([initial_gradients[:, None, :], gradients], axis=1) gradients = np.cumsum(gradients, axis=1) return gradients
[docs] def compute_gradients_and_slew_rates( trajectory: NDArray, norm_factor: float = KMAX, resolution: float | NDArray = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, raster_time: float = DEFAULT_RASTER_TIME, gamma: float = Gammas.HYDROGEN, ) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: """Compute the gradients and slew rates from a normalized trajectory. Parameters ---------- trajectory : NDArray Normalized trajectory consisting of k-space coordinates in 2D or 3D. norm_factor : float, optional Trajectory normalization factor, by default KMAX. resolution : float, np.array, optional Resolution of MR image in meters, isotropic as `int` or anisotropic as `np.array`. The default is DEFAULT_RESOLUTION. raster_time : float, optional Amount of time between the acquisition of two consecutive samples in ms. The default is `DEFAULT_RASTER_TIME`. gamma : float, optional Gyromagnetic ratio of the selected nucleus in kHz/T The default is Gammas.HYDROGEN. Returns ------- gradients : NDArray Gradients corresponding to `trajectory`. slewrates : NDArray Slew rates corresponding to `trajectory` gradients. """ # Convert normalized trajectory to gradients gradients, _ = convert_trajectory_to_gradients( trajectory, norm_factor=norm_factor, resolution=resolution, raster_time=raster_time, gamma=gamma, ) # Convert gradients to slew rates slewrates, _ = convert_gradients_to_slew_rates(gradients, raster_time) return gradients, slewrates
[docs] def check_hardware_constraints( gradients: NDArray, slewrates: NDArray, gmax: float = DEFAULT_GMAX, smax: float = DEFAULT_SMAX, order: int | str | None = None, ) -> tuple[bool, float, float]: """Check if a trajectory satisfies the gradient hardware constraints. Parameters ---------- gradients : NDArray Gradients to check slewrates: NDArray Slewrates to check gmax : float, optional Maximum gradient amplitude in T/m. The default is DEFAULT_GMAX. smax : float, optional Maximum slew rate in T/m/ms. The default is DEFAULT_SMAX. order : int or str, optional Norm order defining how the constraints are checked, typically 2 or `np.inf`, following the `numpy.linalg.norm` conventions on parameter `ord`. The default is None. Returns ------- bool True if the trajectory satisfies the constraints, False otherwise. float Maximum gradient amplitude in T/m. float Maximum slew rate in T/m/ms. """ max_grad = np.max(np.linalg.norm(gradients, axis=-1, ord=order)) max_slew = np.max(np.linalg.norm(slewrates, axis=-1, ord=order)) return (max_grad < gmax) and (max_slew < smax), max_grad, max_slew
########### # OPTIONS # ###########
[docs] def initialize_tilt(tilt: str | float | None, nb_partitions: int = 1) -> float: r"""Initialize the tilt angle. Parameters ---------- tilt : str | float | None Tilt angle in rad or name of the tilt. nb_partitions : int, optional Number of partitions. The default is 1. Returns ------- float Tilt angle in rad. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the tilt name is unknown. See Also -------- Tilts """ if isinstance(tilt, Real): return tilt elif tilt is None or tilt == Tilts.NONE: return 0 elif tilt == Tilts.UNIFORM: return 2 * np.pi / nb_partitions elif tilt == Tilts.INTERGAPS: return np.pi / nb_partitions / 2 elif tilt == Tilts.INVERTED: return np.pi / nb_partitions + np.pi elif tilt == Tilts.GOLDEN: return np.pi * (3 - np.sqrt(5)) elif tilt == Tilts.MRI_GOLDEN: return np.pi * (np.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2 else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown tilt name: {tilt}")
[docs] def initialize_algebraic_spiral(spiral: str | float) -> float: """Initialize the algebraic spiral type. Parameters ---------- spiral : str | float Spiral type or spiral power value. Returns ------- float Spiral power value. """ if isinstance(spiral, Real): return float(spiral) return Spirals[str(spiral)]
[docs] def initialize_shape_norm(shape: str | float) -> float: """Initialize the norm for a given shape. Parameters ---------- shape : str | float Shape name or p-norm value. Returns ------- float Shape p-norm value. """ if isinstance(shape, Real): return float(shape) return NormShapes[str(shape)]