3D Trajectories#

A collection of 3D non-Cartesian trajectories with analytical definitions.

Hereafter we detail and illustrate the different arguments used in the parameterization of 3D non-Cartesian trajectories. Since most arguments are redundant across the different patterns, some of the documentation will refer to previous patterns for explanation.

Note that most sources have not been added yet, but will be in the near future. Also the examples hereafter only cover natively 3D trajectories or famous 3D trajectories obtained from 2D. Examples on how to use 2D-to-3D expansion methods will be presented over another page.

In this page in particular, we invite the user to manually run the script to be able to manipulate the plot orientations with the matplotlib interface to better visualize the 3D volumes.

# External
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Internal
import mrinufft as mn

from mrinufft import display_2D_trajectory, display_3D_trajectory

# Util function to display varying arguments
def show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot, subfig_size, dim="3D"):
    # Initialize trajectories with varying option
    trajectories = [function(arg) for arg in arguments]

    # Plot the trajectories side by side
    fig = plt.figure(
        figsize=(len(trajectories) * subfigure_size, subfigure_size),
    subfigs = fig.subfigures(1, len(trajectories), wspace=0)
    for subfig, arg, traj in zip(subfigs, arguments, trajectories):
        if dim == "3D":
            ax = display_3D_trajectory(
            ax = display_2D_trajectory(
                traj[..., :2],
        ax.set_title(str(arg), fontsize=4 * subfigure_size)

def show_trajectory(trajectory, one_shot, figure_size):
    ax = display_3D_trajectory(
        trajectory, size=figure_size, one_shot=one_shot, per_plane=False

Script options#

These options are used in the examples below as default values for all trajectories.

# Trajectory parameters
Nc = 120  # Number of shots
Ns = 500  # Number of samples per shot
in_out = False  # Choose between in-out or center-out trajectories
tilt = "uniform"  # Angular distance between shots
nb_repetitions = 6  # Number of stacks, rotations, cones, shells etc.
nb_revolutions = 1  # Number of revolutions for base trajectories

# Display parameters
figure_size = 10  # Figure size for trajectory plots
subfigure_size = 6  # Figure size for subplots
one_shot = -5  # Highlight one shot in particular

Freeform trajectories#

In this section are presented trajectories in all kinds of shapes and relying on different principles.

3D Cones#

A common pattern composed of 3D cones oriented all over within a sphere.


  • Nc (int): number of individual shots

  • Ns (int): number of samples per shot

  • tilt (str, float): angle between each consecutive shot (in radians). (default "uniform")

  • in_out (bool): define whether the shots should travel toward the center then outside (in-out) or not (center-out). (default False)

  • nb_zigzags (float): number of revolutions over a center-out shot. (default 5)

  • spiral (str, float): type of spiral defined through the general archimedean equation. (default "archimedes"). See 2D spiral

  • width (float): cone width factor, normalized to densely cover the k-space by default. (default 1)

trajectory = mn.initialize_3D_cones(Nc, Ns, in_out=in_out)
show_trajectory(trajectory, figure_size=figure_size, one_shot=one_shot)
example 3D trajectories

Nc (int)#

The number of individual shots, here 3D cones, used to cover the k-space. More shots means better coverage but also longer acquisitions.

arguments = [Nc // 4, Nc // 2, Nc, Nc * 2]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_cones(x, Ns, in_out=in_out)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
30, 60, 120, 240

Ns (int)#

The number of samples per shot. More samples means the cones are split into more smaller segments, and therefore either the acquisition window is lengthened or the sampling rate is increased.

arguments = [10, 25, 40, 100]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_cones(Nc, x, in_out=in_out)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
10, 25, 40, 100

tilt (str, float)#

The angle between each consecutive shots, either in radians or as a string defining some default mods such as “uniform” for \(2 \pi / N_c\), or “golden” and “mri golden” for the different common definitions of golden angles. The angle is automatically adapted when the in_out argument is switched to keep the same behavior.

arguments = ["uniform", "golden", "mri-golden", np.pi / 17]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_cones(Nc, Ns, tilt=x, in_out=in_out)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
uniform, golden, mri-golden, 0.18479956785822313

in_out (bool)#

It allows switching between different ways to define how the shot should travel through the k-space:

  • in-out: starting from the outer regions, then passing through the center then going back to outer regions, often on the opposite side (radial, cones)

  • center-out or center-center: when in_out=False the trajectory will start at the center, but depending on the specific trajectory formula the path might end up in the outer regions (radial, spiral, cones, etc) or back to the center (rosette, lissajous).

Note that the behavior of both tilt and width are automatically adapted to the changes to avoid having to update them too when switching in_out.

arguments = [True, False]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_cones(Nc, Ns, in_out=x)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
True, False

nb_zigzags (float)#

The number of “zigzags”, or revolutions around the 3D cone on a center-out shot (doubled overall for in-out trajectories)

arguments = [0.5, 2, 5, 10]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_cones(Nc, Ns, in_out=in_out, nb_zigzags=x)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
0.5, 2, 5, 10

spiral (str, float)#

The shape of the spiral defined and documented in initialize_2D_spiral. Both "archimedes" and "fermat" spirals are available as string options for convenience.

arguments = ["archimedes", "fermat", 0.5, 1.5]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_cones(Nc, Ns, in_out=in_out, spiral=x)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
archimedes, fermat, 0.5, 1.5

width (float)#

The cone width normalized such that width = 1 corresponds to non-overlapping cones covering the whole k-space sphere, and therefore width > 1 creates overlap between cone regions and width < 1 tends to more radial patterns.

arguments = [0.2, 1, 2, 3]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_cones(Nc, Ns, in_out=in_out, width=x)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
0.2, 1, 2, 3


A pattern introduced in [Pip+11] composed of Fermat spirals folded into cones. The acronym stands for Fermat Looped, Orthogonally Encoded Trajectories. Most arguments are related either to initialize_2D_spiral or to tools.conify.


  • Nc (int): number of individual shots. See 3D cones

  • Ns (int): number of samples per shot. See 3D cones

  • in_out (bool): define whether the shots should travel toward the center then outside (in-out) or not (center-out). (default False). See 3D cones or 2D spiral

  • nb_revolutions (float): number of revolutions performed from the center. (default 1). See 2D spiral

  • spiral (str, float): type of spiral defined through the general archimedean equation. (default "fermat"). See 2D spiral

  • cone_tilt (float): angle tilt between consecutive cones around the \(k_z\)-axis. (default "golden"). See tools.conify

  • max_angle (float): maximum angle of the cones. (default pi / 2). See tools.conify

  • axes (tuple): axes over which cones are created, by default (2,)

trajectory = mn.initialize_3D_floret(
    Nc * nb_repetitions,
    max_angle=np.pi / 3,
show_trajectory(trajectory, figure_size=figure_size, one_shot=one_shot)
example 3D trajectories

axes (tuple)#

Indices of the different axes over which cones are created, with 0, 1, 2 corresponding to \(k_x, k_y, k_z\) respectively. The Nc shots and nb_cones are distributed over all axes, and therefore should be divisible by len(axes).

The point is to provide an efficient coverage by reducing max_angle to avoid redundancy around one axis, but still cover the whole k-space sphere by duplicating cones along several axes, as initially proposed by [Pip+11].

arguments = [(0,), (1,), (0, 1), (0, 1, 2)]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_floret(
    Nc * nb_repetitions,
    max_angle=np.pi / 4,
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
(0,), (1,), (0, 1), (0, 1, 2)
    function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size, dim="2D"
(0,), (1,), (0, 1), (0, 1, 2)


A pattern introduced in [Bil+15] composed of helices evolving in the same direction and packed together, inherited from trajectories such as CAIPIRINHA and Bunched Phase-Encoding (BPE) designed to better spread aliasing and facilitate reconstruction.


  • Nc (int): number of individual shots. See 3D cones

  • Ns (int): number of samples per shot. See 3D cones

  • nb_revolutions (str, float): number of revolution of the helices. (default 5)

  • width (float): helix width factor, normalized to densely cover the k-space by default. (default 1).

  • packing (str): packing method used to position the helices. (default "triangular")

  • shape (str, float): shape over the 2D kx-ky plane to pack with shots. (default "circle")

  • spacing (tuple(int, int)): Spacing between helices over the 2D \(k_x\)-\(k_y\) plane normalized similarly to width. (default (1, 1))

trajectory = mn.initialize_3D_wave_caipi(Nc, Ns)
show_trajectory(trajectory, figure_size=figure_size, one_shot=one_shot)
example 3D trajectories

nb_revolutions (float)#

The number of revolutions of the helices from bottom to top.

arguments = [0.5, 2.5, 5, 10]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_wave_caipi(Nc, Ns, nb_revolutions=x)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
0.5, 2.5, 5, 10

width (float)#

The helix diameter normalized such that width = 1 corresponds to non-overlapping shots densely covering the k-space shape (for square packing), and therefore width > 1 creates overlap between cone regions and width < 1 tends to more radial patterns.

See packing for more details about coverage.

arguments = [0.2, 1, 2, 3]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_wave_caipi(Nc, Ns, width=x)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
0.2, 1, 2, 3

packing (str)#

The method used to pack circles of same size within an arbitrary shape. The available methods are "triangular" and "square" for regular tiling over dense grids, and "circular", fibonacci and "random" for irregular packing. Different aliases are available, such as "triangle", "hexagon" instead of "triangular".

Note that "triangular" and fibonacci packings have slightly overlapping helices, as their widths correspond to that of an optimaly packed triangular/hexagonal grid. The "random" packing also naturally overlaps as the positions are determined following a uniform distribution over \(k_x\) and \(k_y\) dimensions.

arguments = ["triangular", "square", "circular", "fibonacci", "random"]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_wave_caipi(Nc, Ns, packing=x)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
triangular, square, circular, fibonacci, random
    function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size, dim="2D"
triangular, square, circular, fibonacci, random

shape (str, float)#

The 2D shape defined over the \(k_x\)-\(k_y\) plane and where the helices should be packed. Aliases are available for convenience, namely "circle", "square", "diamond", but shapes are primarily defined through the p-norm of the 2D coordinates following the convention of the ord parameter from numpy.linalg.norm.

The shapes are approximately respected depending on the available Nc parameter, and extra shots on the edges will be placed in priority to have a minimal 2-norm (eliminating the diagonals) except for circles with infinity-norm (accumulating over the diagonals).

arguments = ["circle", "square", "diamond", 0.5]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_wave_caipi(Nc, Ns, shape=x)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
circle, square, diamond, 0.5
    function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size, dim="2D"
circle, square, diamond, 0.5

spacing (tuple(int, int))#

The spacing between helices over the \(k_x\)-\(k_y\) plane, mostly defined for "square" packing. It is defined to correspond to the width unit, itself automatically matching the helix diameters, which can cause more complex behaviors for other packing methods as the diameters are normalized to fit within the cubic k-space.

arguments = [(1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 2), (2.3, 1.8)]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_wave_caipi(Nc, Ns, packing="square", spacing=x)
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
(1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 2), (2.3, 1.8)
    function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size, dim="2D"
(1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 2), (2.3, 1.8)

Seiffert spirals / Yarnball#

A recent pattern with tightly controlled gradient norms using radially modulated Seiffert spirals, based on Jacobi elliptic functions. Note that Seiffert spirals more commonly refer to a curve evolving over a sphere surface rather than a volume, with the advantage of having a constant speed and angular velocity. The MR trajectory is obtained by increasing progressively the radius of the sphere.

This implementation follows the proposition from [SMR18] based on works from [Er00] and [Br09]. The pattern is also referred to as Yarnball by a different team [SB21], as a nod to the Yarn trajectory pictured in [IN95], even though both admittedly share little in common.


  • Nc (int): number of individual shots. See 3D cones

  • Ns (int): number of samples per shot. See 3D cones

  • curve_index (float): Index controlling curvature from 0 (flat) to 1 (curvy). (default 0.3)

  • nb_revolutions (float): number of revolutions or elliptic periods. (default 1)

  • axis_tilt (str, float): angle between each consecutive shot (in radians) while descending over the \(k_z\)-axis (default "golden"). See 3D cones

  • spiral_tilt (str, float): angle of the spiral within its own axis, defined from center to its outermost point (default "golden").

  • in_out (bool): define whether the shots should travel toward the center then outside (in-out) or not (center-out). (default False). See 3D cones

trajectory = mn.initialize_3D_seiffert_spiral(Nc, Ns, in_out=in_out)
show_trajectory(trajectory, figure_size=figure_size, one_shot=one_shot)
example 3D trajectories

curve_index (float)#

An index defined over \([0, 1)\) controling the curvature, with \(0\) corresponding to a planar spiral, and increasing the length and exploration of the curve while asymptotically approaching \(1\).

arguments = [0, 0.3, 0.9, 0.99]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_seiffert_spiral(
    Nc, Ns, in_out=in_out, curve_index=x
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
0, 0.3, 0.9, 0.99

nb_revolutions (float)#

Number of revolutions, or simply the number of times a curve reaches its original orientation. For regular Seiffert spirals, it corresponds to the number of times the shot reaches the starting pole of the sphere. It subsequently defines the length of the curve.

arguments = [0, 0.5, 1, 2]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_seiffert_spiral(
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
0, 0.5, 1, 2

axis_tilt (str, float)#

Angle between consecutive shots while descending along the \(k_z\)-axis. The "golden" value chosen as default provides an almost even distribution over the k-space sphere by relying on Fibonacci lattice, and therefore it should be changed carefully when relevant.

Note that in the examples below, the spiral_tilt argument is set to 0 for clarity.

arguments = [0, "uniform", "golden", 20 * 2 * np.pi / Nc]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_seiffert_spiral(
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
0, uniform, golden, 1.0471975511965976

spiral_tilt (str, float)#

Define the angle of the spiral within its own axis after precession of the spiral along the \(k_z\)-axis. Since the precession is applied through Rodrigues’ coefficients and Seiffert spirals are asymetric, their orientation right after the precession can be quite biased and yield unbalanced densities.

The method proposed in [SMR18] to handle that issue is to rotate the spirals along their own axes, but the exact way to choose the rotation is not specified. Rather than picking random angles, we decided to provide the conventional “tilt” argument.

arguments = [0, "uniform", "golden", 20 * 2 * np.pi / Nc]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_seiffert_spiral(
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
0, uniform, golden, 1.0471975511965976

Shell trajectories#

In this section are presented trajectories that are composed of concentric shells, i.e. shots arranged over spherical surfaces.

Helical shells#

An arrangement of spirals covering sphere surfaces, often referred to as concentric shells. Here the name was changed to avoid confusion with other trajectories sharing this principle.

This implementation follows the proposition from [YRB06] but the idea is much older and can be traced back at least to [IN95].


  • Nc (int): number of individual shots. See 3D cones

  • Ns (int): number of samples per shot. See 3D cones

  • nb_shells (int): number of shells used to partition the k-space. It should be lower than or equal to Nc.

  • spiral_reduction (float): factor to reduce the automatic number of spiral revolution per shot. (default 1)

  • shell_tilt (str, float): angle between each consecutive shell (in radians). (default "intergaps")

  • shot_tilt (str, float): angle between each consecutive shot over a sphere (in radians). (default "uniform")

trajectory = mn.initialize_3D_helical_shells(Nc, Ns, nb_shells=nb_repetitions)
show_trajectory(trajectory, figure_size=figure_size, one_shot=one_shot)
example 3D trajectories

nb_shells (int)#

Number of shells, i.e. concentric spheres, used to partition the k-space sphere.

arguments = [1, 2, nb_repetitions // 2, nb_repetitions]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_helical_shells(
    Nc=x, Ns=Ns, nb_shells=x, spiral_reduction=2
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=False, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
1, 2, 3, 6

spiral_reduction (float)#

Normalized factor controlling the curvature of the spirals over the sphere surfaces. The curvature is determined by Nc and Ns automatically based on [YRB06] in order to provide a coverage with minimal aliasing, but the curve velocities and accelerations might make them incompatible with gradient and slew rate constraints. Therefore we provided spiral_reduction to reduce (or increase) the pre-determined spiral curvature.

arguments = [0.5, 1, 2, 4]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_helical_shells(
    Nc=Nc, Ns=Ns, nb_shells=nb_repetitions, spiral_reduction=x
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
0.5, 1, 2, 4

shell_tilt (str, float)#

Angle between each consecutive shells (in radians).

arguments = ["uniform", "intergaps", "golden", 3.1415]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_helical_shells(
    Nc=Nc, Ns=Ns, nb_shells=nb_repetitions, spiral_reduction=2, shell_tilt=x
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
uniform, intergaps, golden, 3.1415

shot_tilt (str, float)#

Angle between each consecutive shot over a shell/sphere (in radians). Note that since the number of shots per shell is determined automatically for each individual shell following a density provided in [YRB06], it is advised to use adaptive keywords such as “uniform” rather than hard values.

arguments = ["uniform", "intergaps", "golden", 0.1]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_helical_shells(
    Nc=Nc, Ns=Ns, nb_shells=nb_repetitions, spiral_reduction=2, shot_tilt=x
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
uniform, intergaps, golden, 0.1

Annular shells#

An exclusive trajectory composed of re-arranged rings covering concentric shells with minimal redundancy, based on the work from [HM11]. The rings are cut in halves and recombined in order to provide more homogeneous shot lengths as compared to a spherical stack of rings.


  • Nc (int): number of individual shots. See 3D cones

  • Ns (int): number of samples per shot. See 3D cones

  • nb_shells (int): number of shells used to partition the k-space. It should be lower than or equal to Nc. See helical shells.

  • shell_tilt (str, float): angle between each consecutive shell (in radians). (default pi). See helical shells.

  • ring_tilt (str, float): angle used to rotate the half-sphere of rings (in radians). (default pi / 2)

trajectory = mn.initialize_3D_annular_shells(Nc, Ns, nb_shells=nb_repetitions)
show_trajectory(trajectory, figure_size=figure_size, one_shot=one_shot)
example 3D trajectories

ring_tilt (float)#

Angle (in radians) defining the rotation between the two halves of each spheres, and therefore also the rings recombination. A zero angle, as seen on the first example, results in a simple stack-of-rings, while an angle of \(\pi / 2\) on the third example makes the ring take a right angle.

Note that the angle is discretized over each sphere depending on the number of rings, and therefore the angle might be inaccurate over smaller shells.

An angle of \(\pi / 2\) allows reaching the best shot length homogeneity, and it partitions the spheres into several connex curves composed of exactly two shots.

arguments = [0, np.pi / 4, np.pi / 2, 3 * np.pi / 4]
function = lambda x: mn.initialize_3D_annular_shells(
    Nc, Ns, nb_shells=nb_repetitions, ring_tilt=x
show_argument(function, arguments, one_shot=one_shot, subfig_size=subfigure_size)
0, 0.7853981633974483, 1.5707963267948966, 2.356194490192345

Seiffert shells#

An exclusive trajectory composed of re-arranged Seiffert spirals covering concentric shells. All curves have a constant speed and angular velocity, depending on the size of the sphere they belong to.

This implementation is inspired by the propositions from [YRB06] and [SMR18], and also based on works from [Er00] and [Br09].


  • Nc (int): number of individual shots. See 3D cones

  • Ns (int): number of samples per shot. See 3D cones

  • curve_index (float): Index controlling curvature from 0 (flat) to 1 (curvy). (default 0.3). See Seiffert spirals

  • nb_revolutions (float): number of revolutions or elliptic periods. (default 1). See Seiffert spirals

  • shell_tilt (str, float): angle between each consecutive shell (in radians). (default "intergaps"). See helical shells

  • shot_tilt (str, float): angle between each consecutive shot over a sphere (in radians). (default "uniform"). See helical shells

trajectory = mn.initialize_3D_seiffert_shells(Nc, Ns, nb_shells=nb_repetitions)
show_trajectory(trajectory, figure_size=figure_size, one_shot=one_shot)
example 3D trajectories


[IN95] (1,2)

Irarrazabal, Pablo, and Dwight G. Nishimura. “Fast three dimensional magnetic resonance imaging.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 33, no. 5 (1995): 656-662.

[Er00] (1,2)

Erdös, Paul. “Spiraling the earth with C. G. J. Jacobi.” American Journal of Physics 68, no. 10 (2000): 888-895.

[YRB06] (1,2,3,4)

Shu, Yunhong, Stephen J. Riederer, and Matt A. Bernstein. “Three‐dimensional MRI with an undersampled spherical shells trajectory.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 56, no. 3 (2006): 553-562.

[Br09] (1,2)

Brizard, Alain J. “A primer on elliptic functions with applications in classical mechanics.” European journal of physics 30, no. 4 (2009): 729.


Gerlach, Henryk, and Heiko von der Mosel. “On sphere-filling ropes.” The American Mathematical Monthly 118, no. 10 (2011): 863-876

[Pip+11] (1,2)

Pipe, James G., Nicholas R. Zwart, Eric A. Aboussouan, Ryan K. Robison, Ajit Devaraj, and Kenneth O. Johnson. “A new design and rationale for 3D orthogonally oversampled k‐space trajectories.” Magnetic resonance in medicine 66, no. 5 (2011): 1303-1311.


Bilgic, Berkin, Borjan A. Gagoski, Stephen F. Cauley, Audrey P. Fan, Jonathan R. Polimeni, P. Ellen Grant, Lawrence L. Wald, and Kawin Setsompop. “Wave‐CAIPI for highly accelerated 3D imaging.” Magnetic resonance in medicine 73, no. 6 (2015): 2152-2162.

[SMR18] (1,2,3)

Speidel, Tobias, Patrick Metze, and Volker Rasche. “Efficient 3D Low-Discrepancy k-Space Sampling Using Highly Adaptable Seiffert Spirals.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 38, no. 8 (2018): 1833-1840.


Stobbe, Robert W., and Christian Beaulieu. “Three‐dimensional Yarnball k‐space acquisition for accelerated MRI.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85, no. 4 (2021): 1840-1854.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 32.594 seconds)

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