Source code for mrinufft.operators.off_resonance

"""Off Resonance correction Operator wrapper.

Based on the implementation of Guillaume Daval-Frérot in pysap-mri:

import math
import numpy as np

from .._array_compat import CUPY_AVAILABLE, AUTOGRAD_AVAILABLE, with_numpy_cupy
from .._utils import get_array_module

from .base import FourierOperatorBase

from .interfaces.utils import is_cuda_array

    import cupy as cp

    import torch

[docs] @with_numpy_cupy def get_interpolators_from_fieldmap( b0_map, readout_time, n_time_segments=6, n_bins=(40, 10), mask=None, r2star_map=None ): r"""Approximate ``exp(-2j*pi*fieldmap*readout_time) ≈ Σ B_n(t)C_n(r)``. Here, B_n(t) are n_time_segments temporal coefficients and C_n(r) are n_time_segments temporal spatial coefficients. The matrix B has shape ``(n_time_segments, len(readout_time))`` and C has shape ``(n_time_segments, *b0_map.shape)``. From Sigpy: and MIRT (mri_exp_approx.m): Parameters ---------- b0_map : np.ndarray Static field inhomogeneities map. ``b0_map`` and ``readout_time`` should have reciprocal units. Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. readout_time : np.ndarray Readout time in ``[s]`` of shape ``(n_shots, n_pts)`` or ``(n_shots * n_pts,)``. Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. n_time_segments : int, optional Number of time segments. The default is ``6``. n_bins : int | Sequence[int] optional Number of histogram bins to use for ``(B0, T2*)``. The default is ``(40, 10)`` If it is a scalar, assume ``n_bins = (n_bins, 10)``. For real fieldmap (B0 only), ``n_bins[1]`` is ignored. mask : np.ndarray, optional Boolean mask of the region of interest (e.g., corresponding to the imaged object). This is used to exclude the background fieldmap values from histogram computation. Must have same shape as ``b0_map``. The default is ``None`` (use the whole map). Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. r2star_map : np.ndarray, optional Effective transverse relaxation map (R2*). ``r2star_map`` and ``readout_time`` should have reciprocal units. Must have same shape as ``b0_map``. The default is ``None`` (purely imaginary field). Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. Notes ----- The total field map used to calculate the field coefficients is ``field_map = R2*_map + 1j * B0_map``. If R2* is not provided, the field is purely immaginary: ``field_map = 1j * B0_map``. Returns ------- B : np.ndarray Temporal interpolator of shape ``(n_time_segments, len(t))``. Array module is the same as input field_map. tl : np.ndarray Time segment centers of shape ``(n_time_segments,)``. Array module is the same as input field_map. """ # default if not isinstance(n_bins, (list, tuple)): n_bins = (n_bins, 10) n_bins = list(n_bins) # get backend and device xp = get_array_module(b0_map) # enforce data types b0_map = xp.asarray(b0_map, dtype=xp.float32) readout_time = xp.asarray(readout_time, dtype=xp.float32).ravel() if mask is None: mask = xp.ones_like(b0_map, dtype=bool) else: mask = xp.asarray(mask, dtype=bool) if r2star_map is not None: r2star_map = xp.asarray(r2star_map, dtype=xp.float32) # Hz to radians / s field_map = _get_complex_fieldmap(b0_map, r2star_map) # enforce precision field_map = xp.asarray(field_map, dtype=xp.complex64) # create histograms z = field_map[mask].ravel() if r2star_map is not None: z = xp.stack((z.imag, z.real), axis=1) hk, ze = xp.histogramdd(z, bins=n_bins) ze = list(ze) # get bin centers zc = [e[1:] - (e[1] - e[0]) / 2 for e in ze] # complexify zk = _outer_sum(1j * zc[0], zc[1]) # [K1 K2] zk = zk.T hk = hk.T else: hk, ze = xp.histogram(z.imag, bins=n_bins[0]) # get bin centers zc = ze[1:] - (ze[1] - ze[0]) / 2 # complexify zk = 1j * zc # [K 1] # flatten histogram values and centers hk = hk.ravel() zk = zk.ravel() # generate time for each segment tl = xp.linspace( readout_time.min(), readout_time.max(), n_time_segments, dtype=xp.float32 ) # time seg centers in [s] # prepare for basis calculation ch = xp.exp(-tl[:, None, ...] @ zk[None, ...]) w = xp.diag(hk**0.5) p = xp.linalg.pinv(w @ ch.T) @ w # actual temporal basis calculation B = p @ xp.exp(-zk[:, None, ...] * readout_time[None, ...]) B = B.astype(xp.complex64) return B, tl
def _outer_sum(xx, yy): xx = xx[:, None, ...] # add a singleton dimension at axis 1 yy = yy[None, ...] # add a singleton dimension at axis 0 ss = xx + yy # compute the outer sum return ss
[docs] class MRIFourierCorrected(FourierOperatorBase): """Fourier Operator with B0 Inhomogeneities compensation. This is a wrapper around the Fourier Operator to compensate for the B0 inhomogeneities in the k-space. Parameters ---------- b0_map : np.ndarray Static field inhomogeneities map. ``b0_map`` and ``readout_time`` should have reciprocal units. Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. readout_time : np.ndarray Readout time in ``[s]`` of shape ``(n_shots, n_pts)`` or ``(n_shots * n_pts,)``. Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. n_time_segments : int, optional Number of time segments. The default is ``6``. n_bins : int | Sequence[int] optional Number of histogram bins to use for ``(B0, T2*)``. The default is ``(40, 10)`` If it is a scalar, assume ``n_bins = (n_bins, 10)``. For real fieldmap (B0 only), ``n_bins[1]`` is ignored. mask : np.ndarray, optional Boolean mask of the region of interest (e.g., corresponding to the imaged object). This is used to exclude the background fieldmap values from histogram computation. The default is ``None`` (use the whole map). Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. B : np.ndarray, optional Temporal interpolator of shape ``(n_time_segments, len(readout_time))``. tl : np.ndarray, optional Time segment centers of shape ``(n_time_segments,)``. Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. r2star_map : np.ndarray, optional Effective transverse relaxation map (R2*). ``r2star_map`` and ``readout_time`` should have reciprocal units. Must have same shape as ``b0_map``. The default is ``None`` (purely imaginary field). Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. backend: str, optional The backend to use for computations. Either 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'torch'. The default is `cpu`. Notes ----- The total field map used to calculate the field coefficients is ``field_map = R2*_map + 1j * B0_map``. If R2* is not provided, the field is purely immaginary: ``field_map = 1j * B0_map``. """ def __init__( self, fourier_op, b0_map=None, readout_time=None, n_time_segments=6, n_bins=(40, 10), mask=None, r2star_map=None, B=None, tl=None, backend="cpu", ): if backend == "gpu" and not CUPY_AVAILABLE: raise RuntimeError("Cupy is required for gpu computations.") elif backend == "torch": self.xp = torch elif backend == "gpu": self.xp = cp elif backend == "cpu": self.xp = np else: raise ValueError("Unsupported backend.") self._fourier_op = fourier_op self.n_coils = fourier_op.n_coils self.shape = fourier_op.shape self.smaps = fourier_op.smaps self.autograd_available = fourier_op.autograd_available if B is not None and tl is not None: self.B = self.xp.asarray(B) = self.xp.asarray(tl) else: b0_map = self.xp.asarray(b0_map) self.B, = get_interpolators_from_fieldmap( b0_map, readout_time, n_time_segments, n_bins, mask, r2star_map, ) if self.B is None or is None: raise ValueError("Please either provide fieldmap and t or B and tl") self.n_interpolators = self.B.shape[0] # create spatial interpolator field_map = _get_complex_fieldmap(b0_map, r2star_map) if is_cuda_array(b0_map): self.C = None self.field_map = field_map else: self.C = _get_spatial_coefficients(field_map, self.field_map = None
[docs] def op(self, data, *args): """Compute Forward Operation with off-resonance effect. Parameters ---------- x: numpy.ndarray N-D input image. Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Masked distorted N-D k-space. Array module is the same as input data. """ y = 0.0 data_d = self.xp.asarray(data) if self.C is not None: for idx in range(self.n_interpolators): y += self.B[idx] * self._fourier_op.op(self.C[idx] * data_d, *args) else: for idx in range(self.n_interpolators): C = self.xp.exp(-self.field_map *[idx].item()) y += self.B[idx] * self._fourier_op.op(C * data_d, *args) return y
[docs] def adj_op(self, coeffs, *args): """ Compute Adjoint Operation with off-resonance effect. Parameters ---------- x: numpy.ndarray Masked distorted N-D k-space. Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Inverse Fourier transform of the distorted input k-space. Array module is the same as input coeffs. """ y = 0.0 coeffs_d = self.xp.asarray(coeffs) if self.C is not None: for idx in range(self.n_interpolators): y += self.xp.conj(self.C[idx]) * self._fourier_op.adj_op( self.xp.conj(self.B[idx]) * coeffs_d, *args ) else: for idx in range(self.n_interpolators): C = self.xp.exp(-self.field_map *[idx].item()) y += self.xp.conj(C) * self._fourier_op.adj_op( self.xp.conj(self.B[idx]) * coeffs_d, *args ) return y
[docs] @staticmethod def get_spatial_coefficients(field_map, tl): """Compute spatial coefficients for field approximation. Parameters ---------- field_map : np.ndarray Total field map used to calculate the field coefficients is ``field_map = R2*_map + 1j * B0_map``. Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. tl : np.ndarray Time segment centers of shape ``(n_time_segments,)``. Also supports Cupy arrays and Torch tensors. Returns ------- C : np.ndarray Off-resonance phase map at each time segment center of shape ``(n_time_segments, *field_map.shape)``. Array module is the same as input field_map. """ return _get_spatial_coefficients(field_map, tl)
def _get_complex_fieldmap(b0_map, r2star_map=None): xp = get_array_module(b0_map) if r2star_map is not None: r2star_map = xp.asarray(r2star_map, dtype=xp.float32) field_map = 2 * math.pi * (r2star_map + 1j * b0_map) else: field_map = 2 * math.pi * 1j * b0_map return field_map def _get_spatial_coefficients(field_map, tl): xp = get_array_module(field_map) # get spatial coeffs C = xp.exp(-tl * field_map[..., None]) C = C[None, ...].swapaxes(0, -1)[ ..., 0 ] # (..., n_time_segments) -> (n_time_segments, ...) C = xp.asarray(C, dtype=xp.complex64) # clean-up of spatial coeffs C = xp.nan_to_num(C, nan=0.0, posinf=0.0, neginf=0.0) return C