Source code for mrinufft.trajectories.inits.random_walk

"""Trajectories based on random walks."""

import numpy as np

from ..sampling import sample_from_density
from ..utils import KMAX

def _get_adjacent_neighbors_offsets(shape):
    return np.concatenate([np.eye(len(shape)), -np.eye(len(shape))], axis=0).astype(int)

def _get_neighbors_offsets(shape):
    nb_dims = len(shape)
    neighbors = (np.indices([3] * nb_dims) - 1).reshape((nb_dims, -1)).T
    nb_half = neighbors.shape[0] // 2
    # Remove full zero entry
    neighbors = np.concatenate([neighbors[:nb_half], neighbors[-nb_half:]], axis=0)
    return neighbors

def _initialize_ND_random_walk(
    Nc, Ns, density, *, diagonals=True, pseudo_random=True, **sampling_kwargs
    density = density / np.sum(density)
    flat_density = np.copy(density.flatten())
    shape = np.array(density.shape)
    mask = np.ones_like(flat_density)

    # Prepare neighbor offsets once
    offsets = (
        if diagonals
        else _get_adjacent_neighbors_offsets(shape)

    # Make all random draws at once for performance
    draws = np.random.random((Ns, Nc))  # inverted shape for convenience

    # Initialize shot starting points
    locations = sample_from_density(Nc, density, **sampling_kwargs)
    choices = np.around((locations + KMAX) * (np.array(density.shape) - 1)).astype(int)
    choices = np.ravel_multi_index(choices.T, density.shape)
    # choices = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(flat_density)), size=Nc, p=flat_density)
    routes = [choices]

    # Walk
    for i in range(1, Ns):
        # Express indices back to multi-dim coordinates to check bounds
        neighbors = np.array(np.unravel_index(choices, shape))
        neighbors = neighbors[:, None] + offsets.T[..., None]

        # Find out-of-bound neighbors and ignore them
        invalids = (neighbors < 0).any(axis=0) | (
            neighbors >= shape[:, None, None]
        neighbors[:, invalids] = 0
        invalids = invalids.T

        # Flatten indices to use np.random.choice
        neighbors = np.ravel_multi_index(neighbors, shape).T

        # Set walk probabilities
        walk_probs = flat_density[neighbors]
        walk_probs[invalids] = 0
        walk_probs = walk_probs / np.sum(walk_probs, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        cum_walk_probs = np.cumsum(walk_probs, axis=-1)

        # Select next walk steps
        indices = np.argmax(draws[i][:, None] < cum_walk_probs, axis=-1)
        choices = neighbors[np.arange(Nc), indices]

        # Update density to account for already drawed positions
        if pseudo_random:
            flat_density[choices] = (
                mask[choices] * flat_density[choices] / (mask[choices] + 1)
            mask[choices] += 1
    routes = np.array(routes).T

    # Create trajectory from routes
    locations = np.indices(shape)
    locations = locations.reshape((len(shape), -1))
    trajectory = np.array([locations[:, r].T for r in routes])
    trajectory = 2 * KMAX * trajectory / (shape - 1) - KMAX
    return trajectory

[docs] def initialize_2D_random_walk( Nc, Ns, density, *, diagonals=True, pseudo_random=True, **sampling_kwargs ): """Initialize a 2D random walk trajectory. This is an adaptation of the proposition from [Cha+14]_. It creates a trajectory by walking randomly to neighboring points following a provided sampling density. This implementation is different from the original proposition: trajectories are continuous with a fixed length instead of making random jumps to other locations, and an option is provided to have pseudo-random walks to improve coverage. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot density : array_like Sampling density used to determine the walk probabilities, normalized automatically by its sum during the call for convenience. diagonals : bool, optional Whether to draw the next walk step from the diagional neighbors on top of the adjacent ones. Default to ``True``. pseudo_random : bool, optional Whether to adapt the density dynamically to reduce areas already covered. The density is still statistically followed for undersampled acquisitions. Default to ``True``. **sampling_kwargs Sampling parameters in ``mrinufft.trajectories.sampling.sample_from_density`` used for the shot starting positions. Returns ------- array_like 2D random walk trajectory References ---------- .. [Cha+14] Chauffert, Nicolas, Philippe Ciuciu, Jonas Kahn, and Pierre Weiss. "Variable density sampling with continuous trajectories." SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7, no. 4 (2014): 1962-1992. """ if len(density.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("`density` is expected to be 2-dimensional.") return _initialize_ND_random_walk( Nc, Ns, density, diagonals=diagonals, pseudo_random=pseudo_random, **sampling_kwargs, )
[docs] def initialize_3D_random_walk( Nc, Ns, density, *, diagonals=True, pseudo_random=True, **sampling_kwargs ): """Initialize a 3D random walk trajectory. This is an adaptation of the proposition from [Cha+14]_. It creates a trajectory by walking randomly to neighboring points following a provided sampling density. This implementation is different from the original proposition: trajectories are continuous with a fixed length instead of making random jumps to other locations, and an option is provided to have pseudo-random walks to improve coverage. Parameters ---------- Nc : int Number of shots Ns : int Number of samples per shot density : array_like Sampling density used to determine the walk probabilities, normalized automatically by its sum during the call for convenience. diagonals : bool, optional Whether to draw the next walk step from the diagional neighbors on top of the adjacent ones. Default to ``True``. pseudo_random : bool, optional Whether to adapt the density dynamically to reduce areas already covered. The density is still statistically followed for undersampled acquisitions. Default to ``True``. **sampling_kwargs Sampling parameters in ``mrinufft.trajectories.sampling.sample_from_density`` used for the shot starting positions. Returns ------- array_like 3D random walk trajectory References ---------- .. [Cha+14] Chauffert, Nicolas, Philippe Ciuciu, Jonas Kahn, and Pierre Weiss. "Variable density sampling with continuous trajectories." SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7, no. 4 (2014): 1962-1992. """ if len(density.shape) != 3: raise ValueError("`density` is expected to be 3-dimensional.") return _initialize_ND_random_walk( Nc, Ns, density, diagonals=diagonals, pseudo_random=pseudo_random, **sampling_kwargs, )